it's not there Wantech Drumdragon

Wantech Drumdragon

shareware drum synth from wantech.
Shareware drum synth by an indie author in japan going with the company name Wantech. The shareware limitation is it minimizes the main volume once per 60 sec...

"DrumDragon creates not only Drums, but also any one-shot sounds", says the author... and by the sound of the demo it rocks! The sounds are reminiscent of those you can coax from the FXPansion DR-008 which is currently a rave drum soft, so this could be good... check the demo anyways. You can buy the soft at the Wantech website via the link on the left columnof this page.

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Total Votes: 1


Added: 12 December 2001
New price: $40 shareware
S/H price: -


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