it's not there Super Destroy FX (DFX) Buffer Override

Super Destroy FX (DFX) Buffer Override

freeware VST plugin unique effect.
This VST effect is part of the freeware 'Super Destroy FX' from Super_Destroy. Great stuff, all fresh and interesting. This plugin is available in Mac, PC & Mac OS X format. Checkout their site for more info and downloads etc.

'Buffer Override can overcome your VST host's audio processing buffer size & then (unsuccessfully) override that new buffer size to be a smaller buffer size. It makes a lot more sense if you just try it out & hear what it does. It can sound like a stuttery vocoder or a stuck beat shuffler or many other delightful things. In certain hosts, you can also "play" Buffer Override via MIDI notes & even sync it to song tempo'

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Added: 12 December 2001
New price: free
S/H price: -


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Destroy FX is the best !!!!!!!



I tried it on an other computer and I realy that it was kivck ass! I want to experiment with more seriously...



i love transverb !!!!!!

best is tomsound !!!



This thing rocks, use it for my breakbeats and vocal phrases.
I just love it!

Last added comment

Daniel Demourtzidis


Pretty please can u beautiful people make an update for mac and windows the
beloved buffer override... its my fav glitch effect. The best ive used personally.

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