it's not there Dreampoint FREEVERB

Dreampoint FREEVERB

Freeverb, a free, yes free reverb plugin for VST ! - the makers claim it is simply the best even tho it is free, and it is as good as a decent revrb box costing hundreds. check it out. The ultimate free VST reverb, way better than VST's own best included reverb, Freeverb !!
Wow.. it's not every day you get something for nothing, but you certainly do here. What is there to say, it's a VST plugin effect, called FREEVERB.. and it's free... um... and it comes in 4 fruity flavours: PC-VST, Mac-VST, Direct-X & Linux even. !!!

I tried it out instantly, and the claims made on the website are true... it IS as good as the best reverbs you can get for vst plugins or dx like TC etc or rasther it sounds as good if not better... shit!... I especially like the filters, you can mess with that and the density to get the finest of whispers of reverb on vocals given them air without cluttering up the mix... well, I've found my 'verb for VST...

No fancy stuff with Freeverb, just the standard VST grid/sliders panel default like you get with some DB plugins... you can see from the image what they are cos the image above is fullsize, and the thing is, as the author claims, he's designed the algorithms for the verbs based on tuning them by ear, not mathmatical tables... This mysterious 'Jezar' character, who is the author from the company Dreampoint, is supposed to be a well experienced engineer & producer and tuned the 'verb to sound right and offer low resources... it certainly does run light compared to other 'big' 'verbs you can get, and the sound IS as good as they claim... ulp!!

interestingly, the sparse design may spawn new 'glossier' interface panels & new fx even... The company/author offers the code free so it's only a matter of time before (as the author wants to happen), people download the code and use it to create new Freeverb devices using the algorithms the author has put into public domain.. interesting.... This is as you might have gathered not Dreampoint's main core business....

Anyways... there it it, and what a great freebie, the sound is superb for nowt or by any FX units standards for that matter... cool...

The company & author also encourage distribution, so download it from the file section on the right side-column of this page or at their site... the link is also on the right there...

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Added: 17 February 2001
New price: free !!
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I've had this one for ages, but I must say it is very good, especially for ambient stuff. You can get very long reverb times out of it, and it sounds quite smooth. Also, it doesn't ring too much when it's used on percussive sounds. You certainly cannot complain for free....



great program

djsin e activity


nicey nice



I dl'd freeverb a week ago. Very nice and smooth. The Freeverb I dl'd was from Cakewalk's website and has only 3 parameters. Would like to get my hands on the one pictured above. Mine, with only roomsize, damping. and mix is really refreshing to use.






Last night I just couldn't find the right reverb for a vocal. Went through all of Logic's own and then all the
impulse responses, went through PSP and audiodamage, scarbee and anything else I could find and then
thought - what's this free verb? Job done. Will defo be a go to for me from now on. Really good, low
processor use and on a par with the very best reverbs if you believe what the reviewers say, and I do after
my own comparisons. GET IT NOW. And thanks to Dreampoint's Jezar!

Jamie Ellis





looks sweet and if it's free; it's for me!! :)

james irwin


I would love to give a comment on this software- I never got it downloaded to try. did not see any place on the website to initiate a download.

Last added comment



[quote] james irwin wrote: I would love to give a comment on this software- I never got it downloaded to try. did not see any place on the website to initiate a download. [/quote] its in our samples/files/manuals library - just do a search

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