it's not there Super Destroy FX (DFX) Skidder

Super Destroy FX (DFX) Skidder

a freeware unique vst effect, sort of a controllable gating device?
This VST effect is part of the freeware 'Super Destroy FX' from Super_Destroy. Great stuff, all fresh and interesting. This plugin is available in Mac, PC & Mac OS X format. Checkout their site for more info and downloads etc.

'Skidder turns your sound on & off. While that may not sound very rewarding, you have a great deal of control over the rate, pulsewidth, on/off slope, panning width, etc. You can also relinquish some control to randomization. Skidder can also sync with your song tempo & can be triggered by MIDI notes.'

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Added: 12 December 2001
New price: free
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