it's not there Super Destroy FX (DFX) MIDI Gater

Super Destroy FX (DFX) MIDI Gater

Freeware unique feature midi gate vst effect.
This VSt effect is part of the freeware 'Handy Destroy FX' from Super_Destroy. Great stuff, all fresh and interesting. This plgin is available in Mac, PC & Mac OS X format. Checkout their site for more info and downloads etc.

'MIDI Gater is a simple, handy, MIDI-controlled gate. When you play a MIDI note, audio turns on. When you release the note, audio turns off.

MIDI Gater is a little unusual, though, because it is "polyphonic." What that means is that a copy of the audio signal is created for every MIDI note, & the volume of each copy is sensitive to note velocity. The level of sensitivity is adjustable. The volume between notes is also adjustable, in case you don't want your audio signal turning off completely.'

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Added: 12 December 2001
New price: free
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