it's not there AnaMark AnaMark

AnaMark AnaMark

AnaMark is a free-ware analogue-like VST-Synthesizer (Stereo) for Windows with 2 oscillators, which can be combined in several ways. The influence of OSC 2 on the sound is weightable. There are many modulations, filters, transformations so that AnaMark provides a high variety of possible sounds. The high number of basic waveforms allows the creation of basses, leads, effects and percussions. You can also create "natural" instruments like e.g. pianos and guitars. 

Here's the AnaMark synth AnaMark - Yup, the synth is the same name as the company - checkout the product text from AnaMark...

AnaMark is an analogue-like VST-Synthesizer (Stereo) for Windows with 2 oscillators, which can be combined in several ways. The influence of OSC 2 on the sound is weightable. There are many modulations, filters, transformations so that AnaMark provides a high variety of possible sounds. The high number of basic waveforms allows the creation of basses, leads, effects and percussions. You can also create "natural" instruments like e.g. pianos and guitars.

All modulations are synchronizable to the MIDI-clock. Many parameters can be controled by MIDI-controllers and affect the sound in realtime without waiting for the next note played (Realtime-Controling).

AnaMark is multitimbral (4 instruments). Each instrument can be played polyphonic (12 voices) and monophonic at the same time (The monophonic channel is important for portamento-effects).

To get an impression of AnaMarks possibilities, listen to the demosongs or check out the demoversion of AnaMark. Both you can find at the downloadpage. There's also a screenshot available.

The 545 factory presets provide a broad basis of sounds for the most varied kinds of electronic music:

  • Real-sounding instruments (e.g. accordion, strings, organs, electronic guitars)
  • Pads (warm-analog, vocal or spacy) and Drones
  • Leads
  • Basses (acoustics and electronics)
  • Drums and Percussions
  • Effects
  • Retro sounds, e.g. C64 (SID), ATARI (POKEY)

Not enough? Try the function for generating random presets!

AnaMark supports Micro Tuning. This means that even if your VST host doesn't support alternative tunings, you can use whatever tuning you want. You can even morph your tuning by fading the scales!


Feature - Overview

  • 545 factory presets
  • Generation of random presets
  • Fourfold multitimbral (monotimbral mode available)
  • Polyphonic (16 voices) and monophonic
  • 52 waveforms
  • 3 modulable oscillators with feedback and oversampling
  • 21 types of synthesis (e.g.: additive, ring modulation, FM, XFM, PM...)
  • Modulable waveshaper
  • 8 modulable filter types (lowpasses, highpasses...) with variable edge steepness
  • Additionally a filter-independent resonator
  • Highly flexible LFO, envelopes and combiners
  • 11 effects (Delays/Reverbs, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, EQ), whereas 2 Effects can be serialized
  • HighQuality function
  • All time-parameters (e.g. modulation speed) can be synchronized to MIDI
  • Realtime controlling (graphically or via MIDI controllers)
  • Support for micro tuning and scale morphing

System requirements:

  • Resolution: 1024*768 or better
  • Processor-speed: The demosong "Interfacial Parts" can be played on a P400 in realtime (44,1kHz). There are 4 instances of AnaMark in use. So I think, calculation-time won't be a problem for you.

Sounds pretty good... we'll get round to reviewing it soon... any user comments?.. please add them below!!...

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Added: 1 March 2002
New price: Free
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