it's not there Irreducible Productions CsoundVST

Irreducible Productions CsoundVST

CsoundVST is a VSTi plugin version of 'Csound', a well respected softsynth with a faithful following, check it out..
CsoundVST is a VSTi plugin version of 'Csound', the well-known academic sound processing language. For an introduction to Csound, visit its home page.

It works either as a synthesizer or as an effect in VST hosts such as Cubase or Orion Pro.

It has a standalone Windows version with a graphical user interface for managing and editing Csound files.

It has a C API for use in C programs.

It has a C++ API for use in C++ programs. This API includes score management.

It has a Java API (Java Native Interface or JNI) for use in Java programs; this is what Silence uses.

It has a MathLink interface for use with Mathematica 4.1 for mathematics-based algorithmic composition.

It has its own plugin format for Csound opcodes.

well, this one is gaining a faithful following too - go and get it download - it's free!!...

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Added: 1 March 2002
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