it's not there JX Plugins JX220

JX Plugins JX220

Cool freeware VSTi synth.. basic but does the job.
The JX Plugins 'JX220' is pretty well know, it's been out a while & is well publicised... go and grab it, it's free, and does stuff like good garage basslines etc...


  • Oscillator with variable waveform (Sine,Triangle, Saw, Pulse)
  • SubOscillator with pulse and random white noise generator.
  • 2 Pole resonant Low Passdigital IIR filter.
  • LFO Sine Wave, Range 1-10 Hz.
  • Unison for Phat Sounds with additional Spread Control.
  • Midi driven Modulation, Pitch Bend, Volume, Velocity and Filter Cutoff.
  • 8 Polyphonic channels.
  • 32 program banks per synth.
  • Quality, fast 3D Graphical Inteface for precise control.

well, go and get it download - it's free!!...

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Added: 1 March 2002
New price: free
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