JX Plugins JXSynth

A quality VSTi from JX Plugins - check it out, it has quite a few users...
The JX Plugins 'JXSynth' is pretty well know, it's been out a while & is well publicised... Here's the company info:


  • 2 variable waveform (Sine,Triangle, Saw, Pulse) variable quality Anti-Aliasing Oscillators.
  • 2 Pole resonant Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass and Band Stop digital IIR filter.
  • LFO with note/beat/tempo synchronization - Perfect for accurate Filter Sweeps.
  • Two Oscillator combine methods - For subtle changes in sound.
  • Unison for Phat Sounds with additional Spread Control.
  • Fully customizable MIDI Control.
  • 32 Polyphonic channels.
  • 32 program banks per synth.
  • Quality, fast 3D Graphical Interface for precise control.

The JXSynth 1.2 is a VST 2.0 compatible software synthesizer which can be used with any VST 2.0 compatible host.

The JXSynth has a unique sound and a fresh interface which sets it apart from other VST synths. With the addition of full midi control the JXSynth is now even easier to use and control. With full Anit-Aliasing Oscillators it produces a professional clean sound and yet it is one of the lowest priced VST instruments on the market.

New Features

Full Anti-Aliasing Oscillators : The JXSynth 1.2 now has full anti-aliasing oscillators. A new advanced algorithm has been developed which uses advanced mathematics to produce exceptionally high quality anti-aliased oscillators. To find out more about the advanced anti-aliasing oscillator performance check out this presentation on the JXSynth 1.2 audio performance.

Setup Control : The new setup control allows you to configure the JXSynth to your specific system. High quality anti-aliasing oscillators and high quality filters are available when you need them to produce the highest quality sound available from the JXSynth. There are now more advanced midi setup options available in the setup. These options allow you to manage multiple midi setups, and save the midi setups with the song, bank or patch you happen to be working on.

Additional Features

Compatibility : The JXSynth 1.2 works with Orion and nTrack and should work with just about any well known VST 2.0 host. The tempo synchronization feature requires the host to provide VST Time info, more and more hosts are providing this feature, currently Cubase VST/32 and Logic Audio 4.7 provide this feature (to my knowledge).

Midi Control : All of the controls on the JXSynth can now be controlled via a user assigned midi control. Assigning a midi controller couldn't be easier, all you do is click the right button over a knob or button and up pops the MIDI assign window. There's even a learn button to help you find that control number. All controller assignments are automatically saved in a configuration file which means you can set them and forget about them.

well, go and get it download & give it a try...

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Added: 1 March 2002
New price: $49.99
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