it's not there Jørgen Aase Cyber 003

Jørgen Aase Cyber 003

Sample player for Massiva & VSTi...
This is 'Cyber 003' from author Jørgen Aase, and it's a Sample player for his host programme: 'Massiva'... but it's also for download as a VSTi version for PC!! - here's the spec's...

  • 32 voice polyphony
  • Up to 16 samples
  • Multi-timbral
  • It "grows" as you add samples
  • Customize the layout with bitmaps
  • Lowpass filter
  • Reads standard wav
  • Saves all data with song in registered version of Massiva
  • Volume/filter ADSR
  • Loop editor
  • Real-time cc of filter, pan and volume

Well, go and get it download & give it a try... it's FREE!!

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Added: 1 March 2002
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Synthetic II


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