Creamware PULSAR II + LUNA 2496 I/O BOX

CREAMWARE PULSAR II+ LUNA 2496 I/O BOX, professional 20 channel I/O and 6 Sharc DSP card, FX processing, Midi Interface, MME & ASIO driver, Pulsar Software for PC/Mac, Octopus SPDIF
CREAMWARE PULSAR II+ LUNA 2496 I/O BOX, professional 20 channel I/O and 6 Sharc DSP card, FX processing, Midi Interface, MME & ASIO driver, Pulsar Software for PC/Mac, Octopus SPDIF

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Total Votes: 3


Added: 9 March 2002
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sir, iam using pulsar xtc+luna in windows xp platform and using 3-1c software .it is working fine .but now i want to know that i can upgrade by using any other software.can i use the sound card in windows 7 operating system .drivers are avalable for that kindly let me know .can i make any hardware improvement
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