it's not there Korg LAMDA


Ok.... I'm gonna add all the old vintage synths... not that i've used them all myself.. but i'm gonna dd the spec's then people can add comments based on real-life use.... so , as i had nothing to do today, i thought i'd start to add them as basic page templates... then add the spec's

The KORG LAMDA..... please add your comments

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Added: 13 December 1998
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Company:  Korg UK


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I used to have a Lambda years ago. They had decent sounds for the day, in partic, the strings were good, the pianos were thin and cheezy. It was like a cross between an organ and a synth, I recall that I bought itnew and thought it was great. It was good for the day.

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Nico Wagenaar


I still have one, in beautiful condition, in my home studio in Amsterdam, The Netherlands! I bought it around 1983, second-hand.
The piano on itself was lousy, but in combination with clavi quite unique. The machine was (and is) fully polyphonic - you can press all the keys at the same time... The strings even have 3 oscillators per tone that can be tuned individually to create a convincing orchestral ensemble. The brass uses 2 oscillators per tone with very interesting possibilities. Simple knobs to set decay and attack.
This instrument was absolutely unique back then: you could play all the instrumental sounds together in any combination.
If it had MIDI I would probably still use it for some projects.

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