it's not there DBX 376 Tube Channel Strip

DBX 376 Tube Channel Strip

DBX 376 tube mic-Preamp, mono with digi out 24bit/96kHz AES/EBU/SPDIF, 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96khz, 24, 20 and 16bit, 3 band parametric EQ, Compressor, Deesser, WC in/out,
DBX 376 tube mic-Preamp, mono with digi out 24bit/96kHz AES/EBU/SPDIF, 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96khz, 24, 20 and 16bit, 3 band parametric EQ, Compressor, Deesser, WC in/out,

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Added: 9 March 2002
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S/H price: ?
Company:  DBX


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This unit is practically worthless. Anyone that tells you it's good is either trying to sell the unit, or is inexperenced with pro audio gear.

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Grainy. Unmusical. This isn't even PRO-sumer. Mackie channelstrips sound better. I do not suggest you buy without trying the peice of crap out first. I wasted hours trying to get halfway useable tracks out of the unit, and we had 2 to mess with.

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