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Author: admin
Date: 21-Jan-02

AMD Duron™ Processor Recommended Motherboards

This web page provides details of the motherboards recommended for use with the AMD DuronTM processor. These motherboards have been tested to ensure compliance with the motherboard design guidelines for the AMD Duron processor using a suite of BIOS, electrical and software tests. These motherboards will ensure reliable operation when used as the basis for an AMD Duron processor-based system.

Processor Form Factor
Duron 1300 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 1200 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 1100 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 1000 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 950 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 900 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 850 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 800 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 750 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 700 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 650 ANY ATX uATX
Duron 600 ANY ATX uATX

The information offered by this web page is not intended to be a comprehensive listing of all motherboards that support the AMD Duron processor.

The information offered by this web page will be updated on an ongoing basis.

These recommendations assume the motherboard manufacturer's recommendations on system memory are adopted.

AMD does not recommend or support use of Socket A to Slot A adapters with any of the Socket A versions of the AMD Athlon™ or AMD Duron processors. Use of such adapters may void the product warranty.

AMD makes no representations or warranties with respect to any information provided on this web document relating to the products of other companies, and expressly disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement with respect to such products. Furthermore, the inclusion of such information does not constitute an endorsement by AMD of the product.



There are a total:  1  comments posted to this page.

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Name:  David
Activity:  Hobby-ist
Date:  13-Aug-06

I need to increase my RAM as it is getting very short on memory. I have XP professional

What ram should I buy

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