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PC - M'board Sockets - (SX /DX - P60/P180)

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Author: admin
Date: 22-Jan-02

There are so many different processors, and they all fit different motherboard type connectors... I for one get tired trawling round the www trying to put it all in order mentally, so i spent the whole day collecting data to make a list... Not definitive, but includes most of the processors we would use for digital audio, and a few oldies we won't probably use much anymore.

All this page is for is so that you can checkout a chip speed and what type of board connector it takes, and for newbies to show them the different socket TYPES and the chips that go with them.

For us PC-Audio people it all starts with the MMX pentium in the olde days... and from there we've had SLOT-1 for P2 & Celeron and AMD came with the SLOT-A for their early Athlon's... The SLOT-A looks like the SLOT-1, and is 'the SLOT-1 for Athlons'...

On both types (Intel slot-1 & AMD slot-a), the CPU sits on a board enclosed in a case with cooler, that looks like a video cassette... Intel pushed the 'Slot-1' & P2 & older P3 aside and went to the New P3 & Celerons on SOCKET 370 (a ZIF socket), easy to install chips into.... the AMD K7 Athlon & Duron moved to the Socket-A. - Now we are on the next gen of P4 & Athlon... up to and above 2ghz.... we have the Athlon & Duron on SOCKET-A and the P-4 on SOCKET-423 & SOCKET-478.

This page is for early chips.. SX & DX up to P166/180.

Socket 1: 486 SX & DX 169 5v.

Socket 2: 486 SX, DX, & DX2 238 5v.

Socket 3: 486 SX, DX, DX2, DX4, 586, Pentium Overdrive 237 3v. & 5v.

Socket 4: Pentium 60 & 66 273 5v.

Pentium (P5)
Intel ProcessorsNatural StateSocketsL1 Cache (Associativity)Transistors
March 22, 1993 - ($878)
273 pins
60MHz (60x1.0)
Socket 48KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.1 million
0.8&##181;m process
296mm&##178; die
March 22, 1993 - ($965)
273 pins
66MHz (66x1.0)
Socket 48KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.1 million
0.8&##181;m process
296mm&##178; die
March 4, 1996 - ($399)
273 pins
120MHz (60x2.0)
Socket 48KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.3 million
0.35&##181;m process
90mm&##178; die
March 4, 1996 - ($399)
273 pins
133MHz (66x2.0)
Socket 48KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.3 million
0.35&##181;m process
90mm&##178; die

Socket 5:

Pentium 75, 90, 100,

Intel ProcessorsNatural StateSocketsL1 Cache (Associativity)Transistors
October 10, 1994 - ($535)
296 pins
75MHz (50x1.5)
Socket 5
Socket 7
8KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.2 million
0.6&##181;m process
148mm&##178; die
March 7, 1994 - ($849)
296 pins
90MHz (60x1.5)
Socket 5
Socket 7
8KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.2 million
0.6&##181;m process
148mm&##178; die
March 7, 1994 - ($995)
296 pins
100MHz (66x1.5)
100MHz (50x2.0)
Socket 5
Socket 7
8KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.2 million
0.6&##181;m process
148mm&##178; die
March 27, 1995 - ($935)
296 pins
120MHz (60x2.0)
Socket 5
Socket 7
8KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.3 million
0.35&##181;m process
90mm&##178; die
June 12, 1995 - ($935)
296 pins
133MHz (66x2.0)
Socket 5
Socket 7
8KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.3 million
0.35&##181;m process
90mm&##178; die
March 4, 1996 - ($399)
320 pins
125MHz (50x2.5)
Socket 5
Socket 7
8KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.3 million
0.35&##181;m process
90mm&##178; die
May 1996
320 pins
150MHz (60x2.5)
Socket 5
Socket 7
8KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.3 million
0.35&##181;m process
90mm&##178; die
May 1996
320 pins
166MHz (66x2.5)
Socket 5
Socket 7
8KB data (2-way)
8KB instruction (2-way)
3.3 million
0.35&##181;m process
90mm&##178; die
Intel ProcessorsNatural StateSocketsL1 Cache (Associativity)Transistors
PentiumODPMT-150 MMX
March 3, 1997 - ($399)
320 pins
150MHz (60x2.5)
125MHz (50x2.5)
3.3v to 2.8v
Socket 5
Socket 7
16KB data (4-way)
16KB instruction (4-way)
4.5 million
0.35&##181;m process
141mm&##178; die
PentiumODPMT-166 MMX
March 3, 1997 - ($499)
320 pins
166MHz (66x2.5)
3.3v to 2.8v
Socket 5
Socket 7
16KB data (4-way)
16KB instruction (4-way)
4.5 million
0.35&##181;m process
141mm&##178; die
PentiumODPMT-180 MMX
August 4, 1997 - ($299)
320 pins
180MHz (60x3.0)
3.3v to 2.8v
Socket 5
Socket 7
16KB data (4-way)
16KB instruction (4-way)
4.5 million
0.35&##181;m process
141mm&##178; die

Socket 6:

486 DX4


'PC - M'board Sockets - (SX /DX - P60/P180) '

There are a total:  2  comments posted to this page.

Name:  urefe obiku
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  18-Dec-04

i have a system that is p54c though the system comes up but i could not copy an o/s on the harddisk.what is the problem?

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Name:  Chris
Website?:  -
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  30-Aug-06

I’ve got a „intel pentium w/ MMX tech“ processor with an Onchip APIC. It was installed on a Socket 7 board and it should be a 200MHz processor.
The question is whether it is an PentiumODPMT (Overdrive) or not:
There is not written the frequency on it. There are only some lines on the backside:
SL27J/ 2.8V
Have you any idea whether it is a PentiumODPMT or a processor that really needs a Socket 7 board due to the spilt-voltage. Or can you tell me, what would happen, when I install a non overdrive process on a Socket 5 board, that’s what I want to do.

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