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Build A Super Budget Home Recording Setup (System 1)

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Author: admin
Date: 19-Mar-20

Here's a complete home studio setup, including the computer, DAW music software & all other accessories on a SUPER LOW budget. This system will allow you to produce up to release-quality music.

This system us built around a new 2019/2020 current (at time of article) basic model Apple iPad with 32gb storage. Do NOT underestimate the IPad as a host computer!! Running RISC code on a Apple custom designed quad-core ARM CPU, this will give us PLENTY of tracks, instruments and effects, enough to create finished songs up-to release quality!

This system includes the iPad (new), the GB DAW software with all the additional content packs which is all 100% free, USB iPad compatible audio interface with Class A Mic pre-amp, a good mic with mic stand and all mic accessories, headphones & monitor speakers... Everything for a complete home-studio setup, all brand new equipment.

Build A Super Budget Home Recording Studio (System 1)

Here's all the equipment in the list

The iPad from Apple or any store that sells them: (iPad USB Audio Interface) (Large diaphragm condenser mic) (Good headphones) (Good 5" Monitor speakers) (High quality mic cable) (Good quality mic boom stand) (Mic pop shield) (Cheap mic screen - this is not 100% required) (You need 2 of these cables)

Higher quality speakers costing £85.00 more (these are NOT required but are higher quality if you want to spend more on speakers):

Add all that equipment to a basic 32Gb iPad costing £349.00 inc VAT & you have a complete home recording & songwriting setup that will turn out high quality demos or even release-quality tunes in certain genres!

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'Build A Super Budget Home Recording Setup (System 1)'

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Name:  Julian Wilson
Activity:  part-timer
Date:  05-Jul-21

As usual, common sense and no excessive and confusing peripheral comments by your good self.

Wish I'd have bought this stuff a long time ago before I'd spent a fortune lol

Regards and respect,

BTW this form thing keeps running round and round and doesn't seem to like my choices. lol

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