it's not there Roland JD-800

Roland JD-800

The JD-800 was a flagship digital waveform synth made from 1991 to 1996 offering a very much electronic synth palette of sounds and which saw Roland return to a front panel layout design of hands-on pots & sliders for realtime control & fast editing & sound creation

Released in 1991 the JD-800 is important because although a sample based synth using PCM waveforms for it's source waveforms, it was the major commercial synth that brought back the hands-on pots & slider editing realtime control which had disappeared over the almost 10 previous years of digital, FM & sample synths. 


The 2nd wave commercial dance music trend was coming on, people saw the influence of the old classic synths in that genre, and that old hands-on controllers were the source for evolving, filter/envelope tweaked dance music patterns and wanted that control again. Roland responded and we have the JD-800 with it's modern take on a retro interface with a very much electronic sound palette

The JD-800 uses the same Linear Arithmetic 'LA' Synthesis found in Roland's previous D-50 and other JX, JV, JP & XP synth.


The JD-800 is 24 voice poly for a single 'Tone', and patches or programs can be made up of up to 4 'Tones' in which case it is 6 voice poly.  Each Tone consists of a wave generator that uses one of 108 available waveforms (expandable via PCM Cards). The waveforms were created by Eric Persing who worked on other products like the D-50 & who famously went on to form Spectrasonics. The wave generator outputs into a Resonant multi-mode filter (low-pass, band-pass, high-pass) & amplifier, referred to by Roland as a TVF (Time Variant Filter). Each of these three stages (Osc pitch, filter and amplifier) can be modulated by independent envelopes & two LFOs.


The synth can operate either in Single Mode playing one Patch/program at a time made of up to 4 Tones - in this mode the synth is in effect able to play 4 independent Layers & indeed these 4 Layers can be switched on/off while playing - or due to this 4 part or 4-Tone x 6 voice system the JD-800 could operate in a multimode with a max 6 parts: 5 sounds plus one special patch where multiple waveforms are assigned to the 61 keys and this was used for a drums & percussion map


In Single mode, 6 effects & an EQ from the JD-800's single effects section can be used simultaneously in series, with all the active Tones in any patch going through the same effects. In Multi mode, three effects can be used at the same time, with all patches sharing the same effects, though any of the patches can be routed to bypass the effects. On top of the EQ the other 6 available FX are chorus, delay, distortion, phaser, spectrum, reverb & enhancer.


The JD-800 is available today in software form from Roland themselves. You can also get the authentic JD-800 sound for around £300 from the diminutive Roland Boutique series JD-08 which was released in 2022. A real JD-800 in decent condition will set you back around £1000 -£1800.



Old Dancetech listing text

The JD800 is a digital synth utilising sampled waveforms stored in ROM from which the unit synthesises it's sounds.... It came out a few years ago now, and was an early taste of the barrage of knobs/analog synths that has since followed, and an excellent digital synth it is too fi you want something to create synth sounds with brillaint visual & physical editing.


There's a choice of 108 source waves, divided into 13 Analog waves.... 22 digital waves..... 10 samples..... 16 percussion samples.....9 overtones....4 piano's......17 attack transients....6 wind samples.....9 noise.....& 2 effect samples. You can also add waveforms from rom plug-in cards. This is not an analog synth, and sounds pretty much like other digital sampled-wave synths., but you do get all the control parameters laid out with 69 dedicated knobs & sliders on the front panel all for editing & sending out recordable sysex.


Sounds are built into patches...each can contain up to 4 tones or raw waves, which you can edit with all the controls....If you want to edit 2 or more tones the same, you just punch in the tones you want, then all the edits you make are universal...or you can edit them independently....which is useful to quickly set the same filter on two tones that make up a patch for example......In a way, this is similar to the Novation basstation, in that if you switch to a new patch, the knobs & sliders do not reset to different you can tweak a filter knob, and find it has taken an enormous leap from the saved patch setting.....Therefore it's really a digital synth with a built in hardware control unit for editing & realtime control.


All the synthesis is also digital. The digital filters are the same as those used on the S770 & 750 samplers, and the D70 & MV30. You get Low-pass, band-pass, & high pass....all with resonance and with a fixed 5 stage envelope as well as other usual filter assignments... these are pretty powerful filters Y'all.....Rolands digital filters have always been nice.


You get 2 LFO's each with a choice of 5 of the LFO variables besides the usual rate & delay is "Fade", which allows the oscillator to fade in cycles between the two primary DCO waveforms to create crossfades.... The JD800 is 24 note poly....5 part multitimbrel + drum mode, & has a comprehensive FX unit built in....There's only about 64 internal ram patch storage positions & 64 Rom.


All in all a bit of a mixed bag.... it doesn't really have the expandability or power of something like a JV1080....there are no drums really in the JD-800 for example, just some percussion stuff although you could get a plug-in drum card...but that's more expense if you can find one ....the JD also lacks full it's not a workstation type unit ..... But for dance!..... dance uses less parts, and the knobs and other facilities make it a good bet.


It's a quality digital synth with analog "styled" programming......I think Roland sold a lot 'cos it looked analog at a time when people were starting to be affected by the analog retro-thang.......This synth will make some really nice will allow you to get into some really in-depth synthesis on a digital machine that would be hard to programme with the usual archaic menues & sub-menues and gives you excellent realtime control than would be available on a menu driven unit.....Plus... you get a master keyboard !! can always re-map the controllers in your s/w to suite other synths.


So I would say in conclusion that there are more analog sounding units around, .......or if you want a powerful digital synth there are more comprehensive units around, that will give you all the functions you need including drums & full multitimbrelity, but would be harder to programme, slower to work maybe, and also maybe not as immeadiate &!......It must be said tho', that the JD's sounds whilst few are all well usable even before editing, and there no tubas, violas & french horns to wade's all synth!


It's fair to say that the JD800 is not as upront and "analog" as stuff out there now... but a good item to center a system round where you want synth sounds with creative editing & realtime tweaking ....and enuff multi-parts to do a track justice, and editing facilities well beyond the norm for creating cool exclusive edits !!




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Added: 18 December 1998
New price: discontinued
S/H price: £1000 - £1500
Company:  ROLAND UK


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I own one, and I think it's doin a damn good job!

Yves Javier


is it posible to change from single to multi or viceversa via midi?



very good

tim josef


My baby! But still serchin for acid based patches!

Johan Llindén


I have a JD-800 my self and just want to say that it´s one of the worlds best synthesizers ever....



Realy the best rom based synth

i have a prophecy but the acid bass is still

on jd better.



well there's a few comments kids !!...... so if you're lookin for a multiple sound machine with a master keybaord and brillaint editing and easy manipulation this looks like a good item to build around for a system.... just add a drum box and/or sampler....



Ref:' there no tubas & french horns'......!

Well, It's not fair to say this only has analog waveforms, as you'll find cheesy pan pipes and such like. And yes, waveform#87 is 'Tuba slap' and ~97 is 'French'.....

......My advice is stick to the first 13 waveforms and yuo'll get the sounds you want, from pretty good TB303 growls to Jupiter8 strings.

javier martinez (spain)


extelente sinte para musica techno

Lee Robertson


I've just come to the conclusion that the JD-800 is the best synth

ever made. I'm totally in love with it.

I've been making up sounds on it all weekend, loads of analogue sounds

like Moog /ARP basses, Prophet swooshy pads etc. It's so easy to


If you ignore most of the basic PCM samples, and just use the square /

saw and sine waves, it's better than having a jupiter 8, prophet five

etc. And think of this, each partial (up to four at once) can be a

different synth. So a pad could consist of 4 prophets playing together.

I'm really glad that I sold the prophet 5.

I read that the JD-990 is the same a a JD-800, but in a rack, and all

the parameters are editable from the front panel of the 800, so I may

decide to get one of these second hand.

Now, where can I get the money to get another one? :-)



I sold mine and do I miss it!!!!!

Ruggiero Fabio


I want modify my JD-800!

It's possible add the effects in Single mode to Multi mode too??

Thank for possible replay.

By Faby'J :-))

Anselm Meyer


usefull instrument. i personally do prefer the

jv2080 - much better filters, usefull built in

fx (jd has only 1 fx unit), more outputs

and it`s not easy finding modern sounds for the


contact me if you wanna swap (also mks50, microwave1,

wavestation,xpander,mks70,80) electronic-/techno-


Royce Trugillo


Pros: Variety of textured/ fat/ rich/ warm sounds. Easy to edit patches, a pleasure to play with all the knobs and sliders!

Cons: Heavy synth to haul around. No onboard sequencer. Only 5 part polyphony. Key velocity really sensitive.

Jose Garcia



Nothing like it.

I use the JD in every sound track Ive done.

Its so versatile.

I love to find any waveform cards...Do they exist anymore?

Help anyone.

michael adams


Selling a ROland jd800 for $1200 U.S. In good condition w/manuals



The jd800 is my favorite synth .. do you want to lissen my song created with this machine ?

ok go to check my home page ;)




I've had mine for a few years now and I absolutely love it. If you can find one for sale, buy it! For the person looking for rom cards, try the mail order catalogs. I bought 2 or 3 thru them at US $19 ea.!!! Musicians Friend or AMS or one of those. I also got 4 (maybe 5 can't remember)free with the JD800. I think I got the last new JD800 in the US from Guitar Center a few years back. I also have the JV2080 w/ 5 sound cards installed. The JV may have more routing possiblities, but you gotta love the JD's knobs and sliders! It makes editing quick and fun! As for the sounds, you can get some pretty good analog sounding patches out of it. Some are better than my virtual analogs. Definitely a synth for editing! And pick up the drum rom cards if you can find them. They have some 808 and 909 samples among many others. I'm taking mine to the grave!

Georges Zangerle (aka Lance)


I've just purchased a JD-800 yesterday for a dream price of only $800. I also use a Roland JP-8000, and I prefer the latter for solo playing whereas I use the JD-800 for pads and support. The virtual analog machines are absolutely great but I still love the charm of a digital machine such as the JD-800. It's a must-have ...



this box rocks....can anyone hip me to which pcm cards are best at expanding the sound possibilities? also can anyone explore the use of the jd800 as a master controller for a system with numerous modules???? thanx, nic



I think it´s the nicest thing i´we bought.

But i can´t make any fat drum sounds because

i don´t have any of the expantion cards... =(

(mail me if u find any)

otherwise it´s the best.. bought mine for

7000 SEK (Swedish Krowns)

Kevin Murphy


I have owned one for about 4 yrs and am still

coming up with new sounds, however, having played

the JP 8000 I am very tempted to swap synths,

what do people think?



Not bad for a synth with samples-analog impressions are good and it is a cool looking synth as well!

Fernando G. Carrión (Spain)


Simply the best sound of the 90s, i love it.

Grischa Junghans


looks like a xmas-tree with all the flashy lights ... somewhat heavier ... does not make as much dirt ... ohh, i forgot: GREAT sounds. Really like it.



Hey Ho !!

Got a discussion group or someth. like that ??

Do you know web- adresses ??

I love my JD but am always searching for sounds, partches...

hug and kisses,


Jon Scordia


great flexibility and creativity for an S&

S synth. Only complaint is the fx side; would love to save sets of performances with unique fx set ups!

Jeremy Engel


First off, there's a few things worth mentioning about the jd-800 that I rarely see mentioned. The use of the jd-800 in single mode opens a whole new arena of possibilities with it's extremely flexible multy effects. Ofcourse this only allows you use of only one patch at a time, but with seperate phaser,distortion,exciter,spectral enhancer, ( all which can be placed in any order you desire ) chorus, delay, and reverb the possibilities become quite staggering. Now on the down side of the jd800 is definitely it's midi implementation. Although anything and everything can be controlled via midi, it does not utilize midi controllers. Instead it sends out system exclusive information (i.e. It sends the entire address of the slider or knob being manipulated for every value of the slider ) which bogs down the midi line only letting a few perameters to be controlled simultaneously... Still a very powerful synth, but a bad decision on midi real time control.

One thing I'm curious about though is the availeability of rom sets. I've tried to order new waveforms, but with little success. I was wondering if the cards are still being produced, and if so where I might attain some.

Thank You.



Center of my stodio. Great Synth. If you need a manuel Just call Rolan. I got a manuel from them for both my JD800 and my Juno 60.



hey it's one of the best!!

two questions:
1. i want to feed the rom port with own sample data. possible? how? anyone got the pinout layout?
2. is it possible to have the single part effects assigned to the multiparts (firmware-update, who needs the demos?)?

JAMIE C (scotland)


i love mine!

Steve B


Excellent, controllable synth. Don't assess this as a workstation, because it insn't. It's a performance synth.

And there is lots of support on the web in terms of new patches.

Paul (UK)


One of the best synths ever made..!

Andreas L


I bought mine about a year ago and haven't until quite recently discovered how good it sounds. I have K2000 and Doepfer A100 to compare with and it has a shimmering quality that neither of the others have so I actually bought a JD990 for extra voices. What more is there to be said? Okey, it looks smashing in the night!

Acid - nah... just soso
Vangelis pads, Jarreish sounds, pizzicatos with a synthy flava - GREAT machine!



Can anyone tell me where to find the dance drums card set.
Seems to be out of production and very hard to find.



Weblink: link

I own one. At first, when I bought it back in 1992, I thought it should be just another toy in my project studio. But this unique synth made me so much fun to play, to create sounds, to place the sounds into my tracks, and even to make a special Web site to share this fun with everybody else who owns one. The JD800 is not a milestone like some others, he is just a really good keyboard.

Gilberto Strapazon


Weblink: link

It´s a stronger music generator, a powerfull machine to create and be very creative. Just something to listen and think WOOOOWWWWWWW!!!



if anyone has one for sale for a reasonable
price email me.. I wamt one..


Alien VS


Weblink: link

Paul (UK) wrote :

"One of the best synths ever made..."

Oh yes Paul, it´s true...
I´m using this wonderful "machine" in every soundtrack...

Gilberto wrote :

"It´s a stronger music generator, a powerfull machine to create and be very creative..."

Oh yes, people ! You´d better believe it !!!


Werner - Alien VS



A big tribute to sound creation...
I have a jd800 and i love it !








I am looking for R8 MARK II human RYTHEM COMPOSER. from where i can buy in USA. Please Let me know if any one know about it. I really Appriciate.





Weblink: link

1 word AWSOME!!!!



i no longer have my jd-800, but i still have the dance rom card set and a voice
crystal 256k ram card. what are they worth?




searching for sys ex sound jd 800 JARRE KITARO SCHULTZE THE MOST FAMOUS!

Andres Cortez


I have a Roland JD800, and I sent it to repair workshop but they are gave a repair estimate of: $808.31 U.S.DLLS:
I'm a little bit confused about this because it's almost the price that you could pay for this keyboard in good conditions, but in the other hand I don't have electronic knowledge to be sure if this is a fair price to pay for repair it.

Parts 13339481 Fader 28.00 $5.50 $154.00
Parts 13339483 Fader 23.00 $6.60 $151.80
Parts 13359366 Fader 1.00 $6.60 $6.60
Parts 7626634001 Switch A PCB $87.60
Parts 7626637001 Switch C PCB $148.60
Parts 7626620000 Keyboard Assy 1.00 $250.00 $250.00
Labor HR Labor 2.00 $85.00 $170.00
Parts TACT SWITCH 60.00 $0.50 $30.00
Parts: $592.40
Labor: $170.00
Subtotal: $762.40
TAX: (7.750%) $45.91
GRAND TOTAL: $808.31

inte alls


Is there anyway to create own cards for it. perhaps some kind of card replicator to pcmcia flashcars or something like that?



Nice idea...I know that such 3rd party cards were once created for the D50 and the TG serie (Yamaha) so in theory it should be possible.

Of course one could ask: is it worth it? If you really want those Roland filters why not use one of the older Roland samplers (DJ70 or S-series)?

Alan S


[quote] Andres Cortez wrote: I have a Roland JD800, and I sent it to repair workshop but they are gave a repair estimate of: $808.31 U.S.DLLS:Im a little bit confused about this because its almost the price that you could pay for this keyboard in good conditions, but in the other hand I dont have electronic knowledge to be sure if this is a fair price to pay for repair it.Type Part# ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE TOTALParts 13339481 Fader 28.00 $5.50 $154.00Parts 13339483 Fader 23.00 $6.60 $151.80Parts 13359366 Fader 1.00 $6.60 $6.60Parts 7626634001 Switch A PCB $87.60Parts 7626637001 Switch C PCB $148.60Parts 7626620000 Keyboard Assy 1.00 $250.00 $250.00Labor HR Labor 2.00 $85.00 $170.00Parts TACT SWITCH 60.00 $0.50 $30.00-------------------------------------------------------------Parts: $592.40Labor: $170.00Subtotal: $762.40TAX: (7.750%) $45.91GRAND TOTAL: $808.31 [/quote]

inte alls


yes, soundcards is hard to get
a card adapter to the jd800 or atleast some blueprints to build one myself to use with whatever card is working with the jd800 threw an adapter.

Last added comment



The JD-800 is still one of the best sounding synths ever. After meanwhile 23 years in use the JD don't lost any of his clear brilliant sound. OK, one button have some contact problems and maybe the After Touch doesn't respond, as possible - but anyway: the sound ist quit still good. I loved this synth and it was one of those instruments, I may never sell (as Korg Wavestation EX and Kurzweil K2000S V3).

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