it's not there Waldorf MICROWAVE


The much rated MICROWAVE, coming from the german Waldorf company is a multitimbrel synth module wirh some say a remarkable sound, and a full compliment of synthesis parameters..... Waldorf filters are also well rated.... for a main digital synth for electronic styles, get a demo of these...

: The MICROWAVE.... User comments please....

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Total Stars: 58
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Added: 29 March 1999
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Company:  Waldorf-Music AG


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i have the I can't speak about this model specifically but I have to say that the XT is exceptional - excellent for techno



just bought the microwave 2xt. wow! what amazing grinding big sounds! a bit loose in terms of damping and timing- 44 knobs that feel sooo sexy and just beg to be tweaked. i've been so busy sampling bits from it that i've almost forgot what i got it for: real time tweakable sequenced synth lines. you can really mangle sound with this thing. the downside being that you may accidently mangle more than you intended and screw up a well tuned multi program. some midi dropout when voices exceed 10, the sounds that can be made are sooo big tho that you don't quite feel the need to layer as much as with lesser synths...
i highly recommend this as a viable alternative to all those psuedo analog boxes with preset sounds everyone and their mom used already. (NL2 perhaps?)



This thing rips right thru a mix. Definatley very tweakable. Hard to program unless your VERY technically oriented. Really worth the money if you can pick up an extra knob box like the PC 1600x. Makes coming up with some fat-ass sounds easy and fun with in-the-mix tweakability. A bit pricey, but HEH, it's worth it.



Haddit a month or so now, a hugely impressive machine that`ll chuck out just about every possible sound that u require. Course, the polphony is small by modern standards and it doesn`t sport band and hipass filters but it does have a superb 24db lopass which defintely adds some warmth 2 the digital buzz (if u want it, that is). Programming it is I right old pain in the arse tho as matey rightfully sez :( Not that its a hrd machine 2 get quality results from, just that everything is locked away in a frigging menu so a knob box is definately the way 2 go. I`m gonna sell a coupla synths now cos they`re not gonna get used - the uwave and the pulse is all I need.

One more thing tho - this things seems 2 throw out early 90s hardcore sounds at will (along with a whole lot more obviously) so it makes me wonder if they were snapped up by hardcore producers who made a bit of dough cos some of the pads and leads r pure darkcore business.

10 years on, and IMO it puts many a VA 2 shade.



WARNING: xtream Lo end:) man it goes low.. it also does great hard/agressif sounds and how
about those perc sounds: like synth cowbell/metal-conga/ mix or sub toms (heavy stuff) and the
kicks.. fat!, warm stabs, moving pads, out of poly !p a very organic sounding synth that really
takes care of everything under the experimental sky!

interface: well I'm so lucky to have an Access Microwave Programmer which really make
interfacing with the microwave a breeze, it brings out most used functions but u still have to work
the menu matrix on the rack to go around the "other edits" which is very easy and xtreamly
logical to get around and sound/multi setup is just plain smart! the programmer allows u to
switch and select part/s in multi to tweek/edit on the fly/live.

downside: 8 poly.

yhea it... RiPS.



This is as close as you can get to a PPG for a reasonable Price; as opposed to the MW II or the MW XT this one has analog Filters and VCA's. Fat and extremly powerful.
The Access Programmer is a must though.



hi i've just bought a microwave and i'm looking for an access programmer,does anybody know where i can find one?thanks for answering ,make nice music

Frank Daniels


Greetz to the man who sold his MW1 to me and asked 3 days later if he can have it back for twice the

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Dan Leuca


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I have the original Microwave and all the sound cards...THE BEST MACHINE EVER!I also have the programming interface written by someone fro my Novation Remote 25...meaning I can program every single parameter from it...much more advanced than with the Access Programmer...( I have an Oberheim Matrix 1000 with the Accces Programmer and it only touches the possibilities of that machine...

The Microwave is way above the XT...I had that one as well and I have some really good patches for the XT...all the banks from Waldorf...

I also own a Pulse and the Rack Attack...

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