it's not there Casio VZ8M

Casio VZ8M

Casio again, These units are real cheap, and if you can be arse'oled to edit them, should give you loads of sounds on a cheap budget... 8 note poly... I think it's not got multitimbrel mode? anyone?... only 1 osc' per voice i believe, so a cheapie for square & other waves.
Casio again, These units are real cheap, look like a NASA rocket control panel, and if you can be arse'oled to edit them, should give you loads of sounds... Interesting unit... well made... waves to synthesis at a bargin-bin price!... 8 note poly..... 1 osc' per multi I think?.. anyone?

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Added: 19 December 1998
New price: discontinued
S/H price: 80 - 130 quid


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i only need the usermanual of profesional synthesizer casio vz-8m can you helpme



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It has 8 so called oscillators per voice, not one. And four lines.. every line is made of 2 OSCs.
Lines can interact to each others with three ways: phase, ring and mix.
Also lines 2, 3 and 4 could be routed to previous line giving change to put them all in line meaning that they can be modulators to carrier.

If every lines are marked as phase and external phase is on where it can be it means that there is only one carrier.
If ext. phase is off somewhere there is more carriers.



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Editing is SLOW because most effect way to do interesting sounds is to edit envelopes and those are TOO advanced. simple ADSR would have been more than enough to get good results.. now there is 8 stage envelopes is i remember it right and values like rates and levels which are hard to realize.
What makes editing so painfull is that VZ8M has only plus and minus buttons to use -even one data slider would have made big difference, but no.

Software editors are buggy. Only one so far that i have found which works somehow is MOTU Unisyn, but even that crashes every few minutes.

Synthesis is impressive though, and i would pay 1000$ from hardware controller with lots of knobs to use with it!



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Very good for pure synthetic sounds. 8 operators (oscillators) per voice and long envelopes (one for each op) ables the sounds to be complex over time. There are many patches (1000+)!!! available for download at my site.

Last added comment



It's 8 part multi as well. I picked one up of eBay last year for a good price in
pristine condition. The guy even put the original receipt in the back of the
manual from August 1990. I also have the Casio MG510 MIDI guitar which goes
with it nicely. I have a MidiQuest editor which is really made for the VZ1 &
VZ10-M (which I also have). Unfortunately the editor won't load Multi's
although it handles voices and operation memories. You need to manually
dump the patches from the Casio into the editor. The MidiQuest editor works
much better with the VZ10-M although I noticed that if you're auditioning
sounds during playback, program changes are pretty glitchy in the module. I
guess we are talking pretty old tech.

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