it's not there Sequential Circuits PROPHET VS

Sequential Circuits PROPHET VS

The classic Prophet VS from 1986

The Prophet VS was introduced in 1986 in both keyboard and rack format... It has gone on to become a classic due to it's unique vector based ability which allowed crossfading between the 4 oscillators - 4 osc's giving 8 note poly, 2 part multi, curtis chipped analog filters (same 'brand' as in the emax sampler and others) - All in all a mighty beasty... The vector-synthesis technology was eventualy gobbled up by Korg and Yamaha, both of whom took Sequential after they folded, and this technology found it's way into synths such as the Yamaha SY/TG and Korg Wavestation.

The Prophet VS rack

The Prophet VS vector synthesizer, which was Sequential's only digital synthesizer, came out in early 1986. Boasting a synthesis scheme known as vector synthesis, it combined the revolutionary digital waveform generator and vector joystick to the tried and proven analog Curtis filter, and resulted in a unique instrument with a very distinct sound. It still sees heavy use today despite its reliance on rare custom components with a high failure rate.

(From Wikipedia)

The mighty Prophet VS.... please add your comments

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Added: 19 December 1998
New price: discontinued
S/H price: 800 ish (UK)
Company:  Sequential


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The VS is the best digital synth ever!

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