it's not there CASIO SZ1


The RZ1 from casio.... pretty much a scratchpad sequencer apparently... no patterns... just 4 tracks...
DUNNO ABOUT THIS ONE.........It is the matching sister to Casio's RZ-1 drum box.... well their samplers, keyboards etc, were all great units.... but I got a mail from a guy who bought one recently, who said it was like a scratchpad sequencer, with simply 4 tracks you could overdub with, and no patterns !!.... so seems it's a pile of shite this one except as a simple ideas tool....?....anyone...??..... if you own or used one, or know the specs... please leave a comment below... cheers !!

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Added: 22 December 1998
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I'm looking for a manual for the sz1.
Can anyone advise where to go ?




I picked one of these up in 1987 for $AU50 second hand. This was before home Pc sequencing, Cubase and Atari were still the 'new thing'. Shite is a pretty good description. Its usefull for sketching drum loops, there is a cartridge to save sequences on but ur best bet is to bring it out and dinner parties and play 'guess what this used to be?'. Mind you I sold a TB303 in 1984 thinking it was crap so what would I know!



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i got one - it doesn't work and i bought it for the ram card which also fits the cz101- SCORE! tho i hate to say it about any 80's casio product, yes it is quite useless. it is basically the sequencer in the cz-5000 synth, which i did find a bit useful because it was part of the synth in a stand alone box. it looks way cool and built like a tank. just wish it did something. the alesis mt sequencer thingee and yamaha qy-s and roland sequencer thing all blow it out of the water. but remember casio rocks - really they do.



nesecito el manual de el casio sz-1 por favor alguien q me diga donde lo consigo gracias mi mail

andré van den bosch


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I'm looking for a manual for the Casio SZ-1 digital multi-track sequencer. Can anybody help me

r m


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great for steptime sequencing if you understand music terminology i used one way back in the mid 80s and got a good bit of use out of it before ataris etc came on the scene
manual for this try ebay

Walter Slavik


I bought my SZ1 in the mid 1980's, it's basic but good for simple patterns especially rhythmic and repetitive ones.

Lee Borrell


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I just found the manual here:

If anyone has any trouble getting others - I have quite a few PDF Yamaha and Casio PDF manuals - get in touch if you need them.

Last added comment

PS London


I had a Casio SZ1 back in the 80's linked to a CZ-1000. It sequenced fine but it
wouldn't loop properly. I think it was a general design fault. It also had a
volatile memory. If the power was interrupted you lost al of your work. I was
foolish enough to sell my MC-202 to buy this piece of cr@p.

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