it's not there ROGER LINN LINN


DUNNO ABOUT THIS ONE.........It's most likely a pattern based sequencer.... Again, anyone who has the spec's please add them below, or/and mail me... cheers !!

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Added: 22 December 1998
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Karel Post


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LinnSequencer is derived from the Linn 9000.
The 9000 is a predecessor of the Akai MPC-60.

The Sequencer...
Built round 1984, had 32 miditracks and was incredibly expensive.
I owned a 9000, and it sounded great!
George Michael and Prince are well known
users, Herbie hancock also used one...

The O.S. of the 9000 and the Sequencer
was very unstable.
Sequencing with a Atari was a better option (still is....)

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