it's not there Emagic Logic Audio 5

Emagic Logic Audio 5

The mighty Logic Audio comes of age with new version 5 - Here's the full sp on the new main features and how it all works!
Logic 5 - hmmm.... feted as a major update, and carrying a 'chargeable-upgrade' price-tag to impress upon you it's 'major' update status, Logic 5 has been much anticipated by both current Logic users and potential users watching to see what Emagic brings to the table....

Now first, this review is late... Logic 5 has been available as first an upgrade from Logic V4.x and then a standalone product now for some two months (availability date varying by territory)... BUT, it's a PROPER in-depth look at the main new features... Not just a rundown of the 'new feature-list' lifted from the Emagic site & padded out with extra text, with some feeble 'miniature' screenshots added which show nothing at all... Eschew those 'lesser reviews i say!!... dancetech gives you the beef when we get time :) man if we could get paid to do this then there'd be regular major reviews & more, but i digress..... As usual for our 'proper' reviews it's a big page load with lots of explanation images etc!! ... (and no banners)... ok here we go.... ahem... cough..

First up, Logic opens and pretty much looks like V4.7 - hmmm.... not much visible difference except for a new background look for the arrange & other pages - You can now choose a background screen colour for your arrange page etc in Logic's DISPLAY Preferences, or use the included 'stone' style or other BG's, and by the way you can option as usual to use Logic with the classic 'V3 look' ....

This lack of a major GUI update belies the changes which have occured inside the works!! - So here's what Logic-5 looks like when it opens...

In this screenshot, I've already optioned a TEAL Win NT background for my arrange-page... I like TEAL... it relaxes me :) - There ARE subtle differences, the biggest of which can't really be shown... It's the 'feel' of the screen... it's a tad more 'chunkier' in feel, which seems to be a contradiction because in some respects Logic has refined things like the shape of the music PARTS etc... it's hard to explain, but it does feel more positive, rather like a mechanism that's been cleaned & lubricated and now feels more positive...

A word on the screen GRID... Both in the Arrange & Matrix screens, I had problems with 'dissapearing' gridlines... It took a graphic's card driver update to sort this out, so be aware, the grid is fine and seems to require your cards driver is happy... don't ask me why tho... I'd have thought Emagic would notice this after a few trials & beta's ??... The screen GRID can be switched IN/OUT of course, but it's impossible almost to use it without when snapping stuff around & altering arrangements...


In the MATRIX screen ('piano-roll screen' to the non-Logic users), this 'theme' to choose BGround style continues... Here's the default Matrix screen...

As you can see, joy-of-joys!!... Logic now has neat little shadowed 'Lanes' to distinguish Note/pitch working across the screen horizontaly!!... Brilliant!!!... adding in notes and moving notes away from the piano key's is now MUCH more efficient and with the grid ON you have a fantastic matrix to move and position your notes within!!...

Here it is with the 'White Background' option switched IN... and thank god it IS NOT actualy white, because that'd be eye-blastingly harsh... instead, 'White Background' is really a subtle & soft tone of bluey off-white... I found this was my favourite BG to use when working, and Logic add's these shaded horizontal Note/pitch lanes... It's light, easy on the eye, easy to work with, and VERY efficient.

Changing from 'White Background' to your previously selected option of screen colour is easy....

Here's a close-up of the two.... you can see how clean & clear all the divisions are... The note have a nice crisp fractionaly bevelled look... all is crisp & it all clicks...

Logic's put all it's note functions into a handy easy list now, and added visual cues like coloured borders....

One old gripe with Logic was it's complexity to perform simple things like a velocity crescendo on a group of notes etc.... Well it's simple now, the listed functions bring up their related transform panel where you assign required parameters to perform the edit... you'll soon get the hang of the transformers which now seem to auto-set themelves with the right section highlighted and ready to alter....

In this example, I've added crescendo to this group of selected notes. As you can see, when selected the notes show a coloured border which corresponds to velocity level.... My crescendo is working left to right, you can see the lower-velocity left side notes start with Purple, and go up in velocity through from Purple to Blue, then they fade up from Blue to Green, Green through Yellow through Orange, up to Red for loudest velocity...

This is useful if you don't want to have to open up the Hyperdraw subscreen to show velocity... anyways, nice easy editing touches there... a tighter screen with more robust music-part movement & editing, with easy to access function menu and nice added subtle visual cues!!...


back on the Arrange-page, this theme of subtle improved functionality continues... Our music PARTS now have a nice bevelled upper-left corner... it doesn't seem like much of a point to bother about, but actualy, it makes a VERY distinct seperation visualy even at low resolution zoom outs to see divisions between parts easily... I know it sounds nuts because PARTS are already seperated by vertical lines, but there it is, the new look PART is actualy easier to manipulate...Of course, PART colours can still be selected using a colour-select box...

Just look at the crispness of that display detail in the images below, it's so in-focus and not fuzzy like some sequencers I can mention, and those are lo-res images!... this overall 'crisply-defined' look is the overall GUI update theme thru-out the V5 update... it feels super-pro and neat... there's a lack of decoration but with a realy tasty style to it overall...

You also still have the option to 'display part contents'... but that also is improved...

Here's the look you see when VERTICAL zoom OUT reaches a certain stage... The PART's become 'shallower' and even with 'display part contents' switched ON, all content becomes invisible as the PART's are too shallow to display it... so basicaly the music 'Parts' do an 'auto-hide contents' thing as you zoom out...

Now the vertical-zoom is zoomed-in... PART's are deeper and content shows... and now we have stave display!!!... This is great because you can instantly see the PART's contents in a relational way... it used to show just notes scaled up and down relative to each other, but in a blank space, with no stave to see octave etc... well now you can!...

Finaly, with 'display part contents' switched OFF, you STILL get to see AUDIO wave content which to my mind is exactly right and how i like it! - I want to see my audio but I don't want to see midi notes... again, this makes working MUCH easier and more efficient.... I just love the way the audio-wave image in the audio music Parts are so refined and crisp now, not fat and's so easy on the eye when working...

Now let's get to the major change in Logic 5... the new Mix-Automation protocol!!.... this is GREAT!!!!!.....


ha ha!... you really have to see this... ok... you have your arrange-page chugging away nice, and want to add some automation moves... either for logic & vsti controllers, externaly item midi controller data or for Mix automation...

So you go to the VIEW menu and select 'Track Automation'.... and hey-presto!... Logic's screen 'morphs' into 'Track Automation' mode!!... it's great, slowly, all the tracks and arrange-screen fade deeper in depth, all moving down gently in a smooth movement as if you were gently zooming IN verticaly.... all it needs is like a wirring machine sound to play to be complete, lol!!.... It's impressive tho... So all the tracks slide down and get deeper and as they do so, they reveal their new-look 'Track Automation' area below the track Title, meter & assigned instrument displays etc....

Incidently, if you are familiar with Logic's already included protocol for Zooming-IN individual Tracks you can also reveal these extra Track-Header Automation sections by simply expanding any Track/Track-Header in Zoom-in depth... Of course, if you Zoom-IN the whole page verticaly you'll see the same automation section on the headers of all the Tracks because they are all expanded in zoom-in depth...

So the Menu item: 'Track Automation', simply auto-zooms the whole page to the exact amount to reveal the track-header automation section.... simple, but very effective and useful to add this menu-item... and it looks so cool when you do it and the whole screen starts to auto-zoom gently downwards to reveal the automation for all tracks!...

So.... we now have revealed our lower track-header automation select section... what's it all about?...

Ok.... you can see, each header has added a lower horizontal sort of 'tablet' section which auto-defaults to VOLUME for Tracks assigned to midi data or audio data... on the screen area, the VOLUME controller line appears in the same Yellow (default colour for Volume controller)... as you can see, when I opened the Automation, the fader of the AUDIO-1 track was already lowered slightly to -2.0dB..... Other tracks assigned to perhaps a controller Object rather than a standard channel will default to show whatever is that assigned Object's priority controller... Note: the little triangle pointing down at the far-left lower corner of the Track-header, circled in red... more to come on that... also the green 'Read' legend next to it, more to come on that too later...

Note also the darker 'shadowed lanes' which have appeared over the music PARTS on the right Arrange area screen!.... these 'shadow lanes' (my word for them) sort of overlay on the music-parts & tone down the music part colours thus providing a sort of overlay 'filter' strip of a darker colour so that added automation can be EASILY seen when being drawn-in or edited... yet the music PART's themselves are also still easily discernable, so you can see where you are relatively as you draw your automation moves!!... In this Track Automation mode if you have: 'Show Part Content' switched ON, the midi notes in the parts loose their Stave lines, so as not to confuse the horizontal controller-lines we are going to use...

Another thing to note is that these 'shadowed' controller lanes for the automation extend totaly across the screen to the end of the song... Wether any music Parts reside on a section of that arrange-page track doesn't matter... in other words the automation VISUALY is NOT tied to the presence of any Music Part!!... thus one can draw in controllers ANYWHERE, not dependent on parts... so you can for instance draw in a fade-out after a music Part has ended to drop the fader out completely... then raise it again just before the next Music-Part appears on the track ...

You might think; "well what's the use of that!?.. we don't need to drop faders working in digital to reduce noise between sections of music on a track?" - BUT, what if 8 or 16 of your tracks are assigned to input-monitoring objects and the faders will control the amount of noise coming IN to the monitor mix via your outboard rack while the actual midi device plugged into it is 'resting' between playing it's parts??... ah-so Grasshopper!!! - easier on the cpu than loading up 8 gates to silence your external devices inputs!!...

Oh wait!!... you're thinking.. "But then there's a catch!.. cos when I cut or copy or move Music parts around I might have created some awesome production movement for the automation over those Part/s and i want to move/copy that too!!" - - Well then you are HAPPY BUNNY!!... because although the automation lanes aren't tied to Parts for creation so you CAN add automation independently of the presence of Music-Parts, when you create automation OVER any music Parts and copy those Music-Parts, yup!!... the automation follows if you say YES at the prompt!!... superb!!... of course, you can switch OFF the alert asking you wether to copy the automation and make it just default to always copy it!!...

Ok... so what we have gained here initialy, is an easier to select controller assigment section on the actual Track-Header, tied to the track & not to Hyperdraw.... Ok, remember the little triangle pointing down at the far-left lower corner of the Track-header, circled in red above?...

If you click that arrow on the PARENT Track-header, a second 'CHILD' track/lane appears... without any of the details of the PARENT track such as track-title or mute/level-meter etc... This CHILD track defaults to the next priority controller where one exists... In this case for all midi & audio assigned tracks, it defaults to PAN... Pan utilises a GREEN colour for it's controller edit 'line'..... Again you click on the arrow, this time on the CHILD track header and another CHILD track/lane appears below it... This time it's MUTE because I'm creating CHILD lanes on an Audio-Track which has NO added EQ or anything... Just the fader, MUTE, & PAN....

To select an available controller you simply click on the Title which is displayed on the Automation area of the Track-Header...

Currently, as the PARENT track is assigned to an audio channel object (a basic audio track in other words), and it has no inserts, eq or anything assigned or added to it yet, it only displays the basic audio-channel items under it's default MAIN list for possible selection, (Volume, Pan & Mute) ... But, heh heh... that can all change!!... oh yeah baby!...

Ok doke!!.... well, let's add in some basic Logic channel-eq!!.... Note I've selected a basic parametric-Eq which has 4 parameters; 'Q', Gain, freq' & a Bypass ON/OFF switch which is on/lit in blue!...

So, after inserting my EQ & switching it ON in the audio Track-1, i return to the Arrange-page, Create a new CHILD track and click/hold on the tablet-shaped Title-panel - The select list appears again...

Note you see at the top of the list the 3 basic audio channel 'always-present' parameters of: Volume, Pan & Mute... and now below that on the list we have all the EQ parameters of the Eq we just inserted!!.... Also note there is a 'Display-Off' selection so you can switch the automation lanes OFF individualy.

So I click the arrow on the CHILD track header and I do than a few more times so I have one CHILD track assigned to Volume, Pan & Mute, and one for each EQ parameter which I've selected for each by clicking the title & selecting from the list!...

As you can see, if you WANT TO, you can create a child lane for each controller, and of course see them all relatively to both each-other, and to the content of the Song... However, if you want to you can simply use One track/lane to do it all, clicking & selecting in turn each controller you want to add/edit...

To further facilitate this method, Logic retains it's familiar F1, F2 & F3 key protocols... Using just the PARENT controller lane you can simply click F1 to bring up VOLUME, F2 to bring up PAN, and F3 cycles round 'Auto-Define' as usual... each click on the F3 key bringing up the next controller in series one after the other so you can 'Step-Thru' the controllers available on that track sequentialy...

So Logic here have given us one of the KEY things we've been asking for or griping about depending on your viewpoint! :) -- They've given us at last 'AUTO-DEFINE' Based on the TRACK assigned OBJECT!!!!... Before, when you worked like this in Hyper-edit mode, you might for example have a S/W synth/VSTi assigned to a Track, and using F3 then would yeild nothing because Logic didn't seem able to 'see' what object was assigned to the track & grab it's parameters.... You had to first enter manualy the required controller number & actualy input some data before it was available to be selected for show with F3

But... it gets better!!.......

Let's go back to the audio mixer and add an INSERT Logic Flanger effect and a couple of AUX-Sends !!....

Now you can see when you click the controller title area, the select list now shows the settings for the Aux-Sends & the Flanger's parameters!!... omg!... is that simple or WHAT!!!.... The two Sends have appeared listed in the MAIN channel-parts List, along with Volume, Pan & Mute....

the Inserted Flanger appears as it's own menu-item (1-Flanger), complete with Sub-menu of all the available controllers!...

And here's the Automation for just the ONE Audio-Track all chugging along now with some added automation moves... Below it out of sight in this screenshot is a VSTi track and some other things...

So what we see here is ONLY the Automation for the audio track (Track-1), and as you can see, it the auto-mutes for the last bar (Bar-4) of the visible 4 bars of the arrangement we can see.... There's a gentle Eq/Frequency filter move sweeping upwards in frequency happening just before the break/mute... The channel eq has a permenent fixed boost of 2.20dB so the filter sweep with be audible... The Intensity & Speed settings of the inserted Flanger have been fixed and the Flanger Feedback control has a move on it..

These created automation lanes can then be shown/hidden anytime using the 'Track automation' menu selection which of course can be tied to any qwerty key you like via Logic's preferences... it's so easy... assign your function to say key F12... so you press F2, tweak some filter, click F12 and hide it... work on the midi some more etc... all is good!


  Ok, so you might want to utilise some of Logic's superb new FX on your subgroups or the master buss... Logic Platignum includes a multiband compressor now too it should be noted...

OK, well first go to the master or subgroup channel in your audio mixer Environment layer, find the fader/s required and select it by highlighting it's text title beneath the object... Make sure the checkbox is selected on the Left-side 'Parameters-Panel'...

This makes the object appear for selection by a track as it's destination assigned 'Object'... ok, so now our master fader has two inserts and is checked for track selection.... back to the Arrange-page...

Now you've created those Inserts and made the mixer channel assignable, create a new track on the arrange-page and assign it using the usual protocol to the required Buss or Output fader which will now be seen listed in the available destinations/assignment pop-up list.

Here we can see the new Track assigned to 'Output 1-2', (There are no CHILD tracks created yet)... If I click on the controller title in the lower Automation area the automation list appears as in the previous examples and now just as the Flanger appeared when inserted in the Track-1 audio channel, the two master FX I've added across the master 'Output 1-2' are visible here each with it's own Menu Title, (EVOC TO & Compressor)...

Above is the parameters available in the Compressor list... and below is the working example showing moves for the compressor & the EVOC formant filter on the master 'Output 1-2'....

NOTE: behind the controller moves are actual PART's, ('output 1-2*created' & 'output 1-2*copied')... as i said earlier, you DON'T need Parts to be present to draw in controllers... as soon as I inserted the EVOC & Compressor & assigned the 'Output 1-2' mixer channel to the Arrange-page Track, the Automation 'shadowed lanes' appeared so I can draw-in & edit controller data for these master inserted processors.... BUT, I wanted to COPY these moves because they contribute to the actual patterns which are simultaneously happening....

If you notice, the 3 controller paremeter moves of the EVOC-TO are repeating with every bar! - I started working on a single looped BAR of pattern, added the EVOC insert and then created a move over that bar which complimented the whole pattern it is filtering....

THEN, I wanted to copy that move over each bar to make a block of 4 bars of the same repeated EVOC automation... So, I discovered that if you take the Pencil-Tool and simply draw-in a blank Part behind/over the automation you can then copy THAT blank Part, and the automation moves with it!!!... excellent heh heh!!....

Of course as usual you can drag that blank 'Part' out in length to as long as you like, or 'glue' blank Parts together, or cut blank Parts etc so either a large single part or a selection of parts can encapsulate as much controller data as you require to copy or move!... it's THAT easy!!


Ok... so this 'Track-automation' facility works for EVERY SINGLE PARAMETER of EVERY SINGLE Logic Instrument, mixer component, inserted fx, send fx, busses, channels master out's, Inputs... EVERYTHING!!... aha you might say!... that's all well and good, we know other programmes which do this with their OWN instruments and Fx... what about my juicey collection of VSTi's?... my VSTfx?....

Read it and weep!!... Here's Sonic-Syndicate's excellent Junglist synth as an inserted VSTi!... Not only does Logic give you full Auto-detect controller pick-up for inserted VSTi's & FX, but also you get actual parameter names!!!... not cruddy arcane meaningless controller numbers!... This is superb, a real Godsend!... and when the next update version of Logic add's multiple VSTi outputs, then this programme's VSTi handling will be not only unbeatable, but will actualy surpass Steinberg's protocol by miles!

Steiny might have invented the VSTi, but they'd better pull something out of the bag for Cubase-SX at least as good as this!!...


Well I have in no way tested any range of fx here, I just chucked over a selection from VST, Logic booted out the ones requiring VST5, and off we went... I had no luck with DX fx tho, but the few VST fx I tried showed up.... Here's a selection... Yopu can see the list for Steinberg's Karlette tape delay as a channel insert, and also 'Clean Comp' and 'Midigate'


Again, it works!! - here's a track 'Parent' header assigned to a basic single Midi Instrument Object with an output port assigned.... I click the controller select title & two default midi Cc screens are listed!

Remember Logic has the nifty F3-key 'auto-define for controllers too.... so you don't have to worry about what controller is sending in what control data if you dont know what numbers it's various controllers send out!... just send in the controller data & record it, highlight the recorded part & hit the F3 key... hey presto, you recorded midi controller data will appear! and you can then edit it if required... simple eh!... Logic had that feature before of course, but along with this new protocol they've tweaked it for even greater flexibility by adding it in with the mix automation so it can be viewed also relationaly on the arrange-page...


Yummmy.... Ok so we have all this superb automation, but it's so damned hard to draw in nice smooth envelopes for your moves right!... The bottom one of these two controller moves above is easy to do, but what about the top one... it's er.. all curvey like??... it's usualy WAY easier when trying to achieve smooth moves to use a hardware controller and record it in, because an external controller pot is easier to use smoothly.... well not now... Logic has more to assist your tasks!!...

  Logic has a new item in the Toolbox! - It's an alternative pointer tool which doubles as either a:

Select (& 'click/create') tool for grabbing and moving/adding nodes around...

or, it functions as a:

Curve tool, which functions like a vector graphic's curve/skew tool...

If you are not familiar with Vector graphic's, you take a line and add an anchor point. You can then drag the curve at the anchor point to make in bow OUT in a direction, or push the line to make it bow IN etc.

Well, Logic's tool works like that except, it doesnt add a Node as an anchor. You just select the CURVE function for the Tool, click on the line anywhere BETWEEN two Nodes and drag/push...

It takes some getting used to, but after you've grasped the way pushing & pulling on the line forces it to bend in different ways, you'll soon be zipping around creating curves like these with ease...

One thing I learned quickly was that the curves you can create on a section of line between two Nodes isn't very drastic - it cannot have more than ONE anchor point... That's cos you don't add anchor points, you click/hold & drag/push/pull etc... it becomes clear pretty quickly that you can induce ONE curve into a line between any two Nodes.... You can't for example take a section of line and push/pull it to create anything more than 1/2 a sinewave cycle shape at whatever depth, but I soon discovered how to use this type of curve bending to make whatever shapes I liked/visualised...

To achieve larger big curves as above you need to do it in steps, FIRST create a rough 'stepped' curve by clicking & adding Nodes and dragging them into the basic shape with straight lines between... Then go to each section of line between the Nodes and gently curve them each so each flows into the other where they meet at the Nodes... That way you end up with one long/wider/bigger curve over multiple Nodes distance... You'll soon get the hang of it tho trust me once you understand that parts and you can create beautiful shapes.

Accuracy is also there for automation, you can get right zoomed in and snap things like Aux-send dub-style 'Blip/burst' sends exactly where you want them. The same goes for using the Mute... you can mute it SPOT-ON the beat or a fraction before etc... high-resolution basicaly with easy use because added Nodes initialy Snap to the default quantise... You can then drag it around from there at the finest resoltion because it sort of 'let's the node go' from where it snaps to if you move it with the mouse.

I takes about 30 minutes to fully grasp the whole lot because you also have other functions which compliment this...

But there's more!... using the Shift key with this new Tool allows you to click on a line and 'Capture' a block up to the next Node and the line it controls coming out the other side... Now you can move this whole chunk of controller moves intact but RELATIVE offset to the un-selected Nodes/Moves!!!.... wicked eh!!

In this example, I've selected a block of 5 nodes by clicking on them one after the other, adding one to the Grey-highlighted 'Block-Selection' each time I click... Notice that the two OUTER selected Nodes obviously when moved as part of the whole 'Block-Selection', WILL effect the line attached to them and heading off to the next UN-selected Node, so even tho the Line coming AWAY from the cluster of nodes was NOT clicked on, it turns white because it's going to move from one end only, the end we've captured in our 'Block-Selection'...

So OFFSET movement for selectable 'blocks' of controller moves! .... and there's more goodies!...

Aha!!.... yes indeedy!!... fragmented selection for offset... Here, using various combinations of Alt & Shift and clicking with the new Tool in 'Select' mode, I've block-selected two section of controller leaving the bit in the middle... I can then drag/offset the outside and leave the middle!... NOTE: See the yellow UN-selected section in the middle in the image above... I've dragged down the Nodes outside of it from their positions in the image second-above - examine the Parameters for the Yellow un-moved section and you'll see it matches the first of the two images above BEFORE the nodes surrounding it were moves... Se how the outer Left single Node and the Outer right two Nodes have moved down leaving the center section intact!!... oh yeah!!...

So... Highly flexible automation, auto-detecting control parameters, even for imported VST Instruments & FX... now we also have excellent controller manipulation...... What else is in the bag!...


New Logic 5 add's modes for the Automation too as part of the package... There are various ways you will want to utilise the automation features in Logic-5... You MIGHT want to input data direct with the Toolbox... You might want to twiddle the controller on the actual VSTi, or send In midi data from an external controller device...

  When the Track-Header's are showing in 'Track-Automation' mode, or as previously mentioned, when a Track-Header is zoomed in verticaly by other manual means, you'll see on each PARENT & CHILD track-header that there is a sub-button/area which displays 'Off' (in blue) or 'Read' (in green) in the various images above...

Ok, tracks can be in various MODES for working... Because automation data can be recorded during normal song Playback, the default for this selector is 'OFF'...but you can opt for other settings..

If you click on the selection being displayed, the list appears... You can select either: Off, Read, Touch, Latch, Write or Midi.

Rather than type all this I'll just add the raw details from Emagic for these functions and add a few comments where relevent...

Off will disable the current Track Automation data without deleting it. No automation data will be written, nor read and played back. If the current automation mode is Off, any edits to Track Automation data in the Arrange window will automatically switch the automation mode to Read. This ensures that the data, as currently edited, will be played.

Simple... the default mode... Moves you add-in with the pencil/Curve tool will flip the selected channel to Read & playback, all others just Playback... you can't loose anything unless you manualy go and tweak it on the screen with the appropriate Tool...

Read will automate the current track using the existing automation data. The data cannot be changed in realtime by touching the fader.

Read does the same, it plays back what's there, and allows you to edit stuff as it plays on the arrange page in a loop mebbe as you work on a section... But nothing external will effect what's there or overwrite anything.

Touch will automate the current track in the same fashion as Read.

Should the fader be touched, the existing Track Automation data of the current fader type will be replaced by new movements - for as long as the fader is pressed. Touch is the most appropriate, "standard" mode, used for designing the mix. With automation engaged, it provides you with the option of correcting and improving the mix at any time. The time required by a parameter to return to its previously recorded setting, is selected via Options > Track Automation > Automation Settings... > Automation Ramp Time (ms).

Like they said, when you're actualy adding mix moves via external hardware or by moving the s/w faders etc, this is the one, it drops In to record so to speak for as long as you move something, when you let go, it stops

Latch basically works like Touch, but after releasing the fader the current value will replace any existing automation data - for as long as the sequencer is in playback (or record) mode.

Press stop to finish or to define the end of your parameter editing by stopping playback (or recording).

Self explanatory really... same as Touch but when you let go of the fader or whatever, it'll write from that point onwards with whatever the level is when you let go of the control!...

In Write Mode, existing Track Automation data is erased as the Song Position Line passes it.

If you move any of the Mixer's controls, this movement will be recorded - if you don't, existing data passed by the Song Position Line is simply deleted. Use Options > Track Automation > Automation Settings... to determine which kind of data should be erased. The setting 'Write Mode changes to' allows you to decide to which mode Logic returns after a Write operation has been executed.

Be careful with the Write mode and its settings to ensure that you don't erase your pan, bus, and EQ automation by mistake, if your intention was to only erase some volume fader information!

The Write mode of traditional mix automation will be rarely needed when working with Logic's advanced Track Automation. It's mainly there to complete the selection of automation modes. It's easier to erase the automation data by selecting Options > Track Automation > Delete All Automation Data of Current Track (or ...All Tracks, respectively). In earlier analog mix automation systems, the Write mode was the only way to erase automation data from tape when beginning a new project.

Like it says.... You'd never use that mode most likely...

MIDI disconnects the Mixer controls from the Track Automation and switches to Object Based Automation.

The fader will act like a standard external MIDI source and will be recorded and played back as normal MIDI data in MIDI sequences.

Like it says... Didn't check up on this bit, so I'm not 100% sure what else it'll do... Perhaps it also works well with generic remotes?...

Switching Automation Modes For All Channels Simultaneously
Use the right mouse button when switching the mode of a channel strip, and all channel strips which had previously been set to the same automation mode, will switch as well.

As it says, simple right-mouse and all tracks set to say Read, can be flipped to Off or Off to Read etc...

So as you can see, working with Logic, and especialy the Control interface designed for it can be a very organic process... the Touch mode combined with a moving fader system would work wonders...

Accompanying these various Modes for working with the Automation there is a master settings section.... let's check it out!

Here you can reset/select wether Logic nags you about wether to 'move automation with the music-part/s' or not when you copy and/or move music Parts around on the Arrange-page... There is also the aforementioned ramp time for faders to move to the next position after a Touch move, and a selection for what Mode WRITE goes into after it is switched out & what it will erase when activated on a track or group of tracks...

Well, that's the basic's of the automation... you should know what to expect now, I will say that i did all this Article and found all this stuff out WITHOUT refering to the manual at all... it's that intuitive and easy if you know Logic already... a little while experimenting and searching, and you find lots of Gold coins & Banana's !!... heh heh...

Now... what else do we have....aha!.... here's a good one!...


Version 5.1 update has added the unlimited undo feature, missing for too long from Logic & still missing from VST (to come with SX apparently) - Only Cakewalk had this feature for the last years and Cake owners have spent much time lording-it over VST/Logic owners regarding this facility! - Quite how two 'professional' sequencers managed to exist this long without it i dunno, but then again Photoshop only got multiple undo recently too!....

Anyways... the UNDO function is now repeatable, because Logic has added a powerful UNDO HISTORY, so now you can view a list of edits going back in time and select which ones you want to undo (or re-do!).... That's the new 'Undo History', and a total godsend it is too!... You can now feel secure to switch OFF Logic's safe & useful but rather irritating 'are you sure?' edit perform alert (you always could switch it off anyways, but mebbe at your own peril), and now if you do something whilst working in a 'stoned space of creativity', chuckle... (or cos you're simply knackered), you can just undo it; and of course the History feature allows you to re-think edits you made earlier and undo them if some need arises!!... Excellent!!... especialy knowing the fickleness of clients & their wavering qualities of decision making when they are in-situ on their session!!


This is GREAT!... i did use it a few times... it's lite as anything, and VERY comprehensive!... No more moaning from newbies about lack of contextual help included like they get in their cheaper sequencers...

Checkout how much subjects have come up from typing in the word 'Frequency' - yup, a good, actualy useful help section!!.... it's all there!... Enuff detail to put you on the right track, not just some pointless 'one-liner' description.


Emagic really should get more credit as a s/w synth house... people think of other companies in this realm as 'Emagic make Logic and sequencer products'... Well, lemme tell you, Emagic's synth design team are VERY good... The EVP88 was the first Logic synth I ever tried, and it is truly a delight to noodle on, even for a 'non keyboard player' like me... the dynamic's are just so good, the tone so alive with harmonics and even for a non-player it's great to just play around with!... Now they do other synths as we know... the ES1 is a superb little synth, and they have a couple of suitcase piano synths too which are excellent... Most Logic synths & the EXS sampler have been released now as VSTi version for use in other hosts....

Well anyways, I'm not going into detail therefore about the synths, But they are included in various packages so it's relevent.... But, they are so good, each requires it's own page, especialy as they are now getting released in VSTi version....

Anyways.. Let's see what we have we got... and checkout the design which i find gorgeous... these are low-res jpeg's too!!.... the crispness of those lines at full screen res is awesome... fantastic looking objects and the layouts are thoughtful too for functionality of course...

ESE !!

An excellent electric piano style synth which goes from suitecase sounds thru to sort of 80's 'cheaper' synth sounds... It's actualy very nice!... Included free with Platignum...

ESM !!

This is an odd one, I guess it's a bassline style synth, envelope decay to filter etc... excellent sound tho, smooth and fat as fuck!... Included free with Platignum...

ESP !!!

A multiple oscillator EP which with the ability to mix tone sections offers more sounds... Included free with Platignum...

These are the other new ones which are Optional... you gotta buy them in to the package as extra's... and of course there is the EVP88 & EVP73 electric Piano's & the EXS24 sampler too in Emagic's arsenal... the whole lot together with Logic is a breathtakinglky powerful package, but of course, it'll cost a bit of wonga... however compared to what h/w would buy for that money it's getting rediculous... Anyways, Emagic have the bases covered!...


The old faithful ES1 synth, very nice 2 osc baby, excellent bass-end, smooth or hardcore ruff... it's a great versatile unit... and now it has the ability to take a sidechain from an audio track!!.... excellent to imitate older gate equipt monosynths!

ES2 !!

With the ES2, a very special instrument is available to Logic 5 users. Drawing from the past to redefine the future, its extraordinary synthesis engine delivers exceptional tonal quality in all registers and a complex voice architecture provides extensive sonic possibilities. Its ergonomic user interface and sheer power will inspire new creative heights.

Able to combine the full-bodied energy of analogue systems with the shimmering detail of glistening digital tone generation, the ES2 owes its enormous sonic wealth to an unsurpassed palette of in-demand synthesis techniques. It handles the warm subtractive synthesis of classic analogue synthesizers with the same ease as it does popular digital synthesis techniques such as Vector Synthesis, Wavetable Scanning and Frequency Modulation (FM). The clearly laid-out structure, the well-devised construction, and aids such as Tool Tips, put this enormous potential quickly and easily at your disposal. If needed, the intelligent random sound programmer with selectable destinations can be used to supply fresh ideas. And, thanks to the adjustable strength parameter, these can either be radically new sounds or subtle alterations, at your command.

Use up to 32 ES2 simultaneously, depending on the Logic version and computer power available. Each ES2 has 32 voices, each offering three especially flexible oscillators, two filters and extensive modulation possibilities. Select Unison, and layer up to 32 voices for huge, imposing sonic monuments. Processor optimizations for modern computers ensure maximum possible performance.

That's the Emagic basic promo/info, and blimey this is one SERIOUS synth!!... You'd better beleive it.. it does need it's own full review, very complexed!... the lower area can also install a timeline to create wavestation style synth sounds!.. I kid you not!.. this is a monster and it comes with TONS of banks of preset sounds from various designers.


The EVOC20 package provides Logic users with three powerful tools for sound design: A classic polyphonic vocoder with built-in synthesizer, a formant filter bank, and a pitch tracking vocoder. Each plug-in provides maximum flexibility and features pristine 32 Bit sound quality

This thing is amazing... it works also as an effect for use on audio, master/sub & Instrument tracks... Yup!... you can add formant filtering & vocoding etc with total automation to your audio & VSTi's!!.... I wouldn't know where to start with this in a few lines... it needs a full-on review with audio so you can hear it.. probably emagic have some audio examples online at their site... I urge you to check it out, this hting is a monster.... if Logic Platignum costs 600 quid or so, this should be worth ALONE about 150-199 quid if it was VSTi standalone from another company.... a real winner!... checkout the audio demo's from Emagic... more polished than mine!!!

Emagic EVOC20 audio demo 1
Emagic EVOC20 audio demo 2
Emagic EVOC20 audio demo 3

So Plenty to go with there... ESM monophonic, ESP polyphonic and ESE for ensemble sounds are INCLUDED with Logic Platignum... Optional Instruments are: The ES1 & ES2 'virtual-analog' synths, the EXS24 & EXSP24 samplers, EVP88 & EVP73 suitcase style Ep's, the EVB3 hammond/drawbar-organ, and EVD6 'Hohner clavi' instrument....

There's a full-on review/lesson in the use of the EXS24 sampler lurking in dancetech's archives... check the RELATED ITEMS list on the right-hand column of this page up by the top....


Well... I have to say it... This is a great update, and WELL worth paying for.... this is Logic coming home... everything seems just right.... every depth you want is there with the minimum of fuss.... This REALLY is making me consider getting a controller mixer and multi-in rack system for my outboard now and dumping the hardware analog board for studio use.... I imagine with Logic Control (or other hardware controller) Logic working in 'Touch' mode must be awesomely simple to use...

and i didn't even mention the new FX!.... My god the Fx are superb!!... over 50 fx included!!... and they are quality, the reverbs are actualy usuable and the main 'Platignumverb' which comes with Platignum compares favourably to 'quality' reverb units... The compressors are 'excellent', and there is the new Multiband comp' which is great and straightforward, like a normal Logic Comp layout but with a central frequency band section of sliders...

There's also a new Stereo Enhancer added, and it REALLY works... I found it gave a really well defines spread with much less 'woolying at the edges' of some widener style enhancers

That and the multi-band comp are the new additions of real note... the two 'biggie new' Fx, and they both 'truly rock' as the saying goes! ...

Remember, you now get full easy automation for all your Logic FX and as noted further back above, this works with many VSTi fx too, at the least you'll get un-named but numbered controllers where the author hasn't fully defined the controller titles in full-on VST format... I tried the shareware BLUE plugins from Digilogue today briefly and while it didn't show the parameters titles in automation mode, it DID pick up all the controllers by number, so a little judicious testing should reveal what controller number is for what paremeter as they seem to work incrementaly from input to output stage of the effect... But as i said before, most VST fx show the parameters by name/title and sequencing in fx moves for VST-fx is therefore easy as pie!!!....

And the same goes for external midi controller use too remember!!....

Here's a screenshot of a little test demo I made while working out the new Logic 5 and getting the screenshots done for this review ... just a simple audio loop with a Logic Instrument bassline thing, the compressed final mix with the added formant filtering compliments moves being made on the Intrument filters and the flanging on the simple drum loop... this is the sort of loop you can make with the utmost ease using this new Logic.... I wasn't trying here to make something fresh or great, but there's just so much you can do with the full-on Platignum package plus a few added extra's from their range that this just gives you a simple idea.... anyways checkout what the image above sounds like... I'd SERIOUSLY advise anyone to option and get the EVOC & ES2 added into the package if you need quality production synthesis... they rule!!!... ok.. these dont sound as crisp as the Emagic ones above, but i was going for low-end stuff more on mine with less emphasis on stereo or tops... more of a warehouse bass sound...

audio example 1 - formant filtered drum & bass riff (lo-fi) - ESM (above) bassline.
audio example 2 - formant filtered drum & bass riff (hi-fi) - ESM (above) bassline.

Another little messing about test loop - this time using the ES1 being triggered by an audio sidechain.... check the sumptuous decay of the Logic Platignumverb, it's well deep!

audio example 3 - ES1/sidechain, check the reverb! (lo-fi) - ESM (above) bassline.
audio example 3 - ES1/sidechain, check the reverb! (hi-fi) - ESM (above) bassline.

Other things to note.. Logic 5 installed & performed flawlessly on Win XP professional using beta WDM drivers... Logic converted the WDM to EASI and i acheived around 8ms on the latency display, but actualy playing the s/ware instruments seemed less to my ears, more like 5 or 6ms... meaning, it was to all intents & purposes like playing hardware!!... Of all the sequencer's i've tried in XP Logic so far has performed smoothest with these beta soundcard drivers... Windows XP is awaiting Service-Pack2 apparently before WDM is finalised, anyways, Logic worked a treat, a LONG session after install and not a single crash!....

What else?.... There is now a 'Plugin delay Compensation' checkbox in the audio-drivers 2 panel below the driver select... I'll come back as i find out more and add relevent updates...

To sum up?.... All in all, I'm just scratching the surface here, I'm sure there are other updates as I get into the programme, 24/96 ability being one that springs to mind... Logic have persued a VERY aggressive marketting policy recently and it seems their programmers have been equaly busy, the Platignum package or cheaper Gold package offer truely exceptional value for money when you see the enormous depth of the music you can make when allied with even what today is a cheap computer... Emagic of course released their much vaunted Logic-Control hardware mixer interface, and it goes hand in hand with this new Logic 5... i think they'll sell alot of packages!...

Logic & Emagic are in an enviable position now... after roping in starter/budget users with an aggressive promotion via give-away version in soundcard bundles and heavey promotion of Silver and Gold packages in mags like FM, logic have also been pushin the pro-end envelope... Already longtime compatible with, and popular with Pro-tools users, Logic has recently pushed hard and garnered in some quality & hip endorsement names, to this they've honed a super pro looking website, added a registered users help forum & faq site, done tons of 'on the ground' & show promotion and at the same time have managed to pump out a constant output of pro-end updates & enhancements...

And it's ood, because in most respects Emagic have come second in everything to Steinberg... second to get out their new 24/96 s/w, second to roll-out a hardware interface etc... but somehow their timing seems to be working.... I'd say Logic 5 would get Dancetech vote for 'The Best User-Freindly Update' to what is essentialy a very deep and complexed s/ware - Logic seem to have really listened to people somehow and they have done plenty of forum lurking most likely too... These updates make Logic now THE most 'user freindly' s/w for pro full-on studio music production environment...

If you look at Logic from either a curent older Logic user or a newcomers point of view, Emagic have got it ALL right... Most things I've been griping about in Logic seems to have been added.... well almost everything!.. I didn't check yet to see if they added the same auto-define of controllers for HYPER-EDIT which is where I like to do my drum parts.... Soon will come the update for multiple-out use on VSTi synths & drumware, then VST users are going to weep!!... Oh, one thing I didn't check yet in V5 is Rewire and how that works...

update: Ok I tried it with Rewire now and all is good - you just create as many audio objects in the audio mixer environment layer as you require for your Rewire inputs from Reason... then you just assign them to the Rewire channels... you can also select the rewire channels for automation on the arrange page, but as of yet there's no ability to sequence the Reason generators direct from Logic's sequencer (if there ever will be), as you can do with VST & Reason... But anyways, REWIRE works ok, although I was getting a slight glitch when looping back to zero with an 8 bar section using win98 (not tried rewire in XP yet)

All in all It's got winner written all over it... rediculously easy automation built into a pro-tools control capable sequencer?... man!... bold move!... Logic already was my prefered studio sequencer, this just makes it superbly easy to use and add's more icing to the cake... and it likes XP !!!... The question now is, do I switch to s/w mixing & a fullblown XP pro setup with dual screens!?!... rats!... this upgrading never ends does it?.. :)

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Total Stars: 104
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Added: 9 May 2002
New price: UKP 599 ish rrp for Platignum
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Evil Tez


Thanks for this. Its 100 times more informative than the mags I buy and honest. Im buying Sonar 2 but Im going to get this for really detailed editing. What a program!!!



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Great review. you showed exactly what i wanted to see. The automation features are what makes this a great program. only comment i would have added is it's stability. was it stable enough or were there glitches and if so what were they. i'm currently using cubase and am about to give up on it due to tryingto get it stable for 2 and a half years and still not getting it completely stable. still have to do some research on it's stability but if all works as you've described and cubase SX doesn't match up to it..i think i'm sold. thank you for the review and keep up the great work! :)



well I think it is MORE stable in Win XP that the others, and frankly going back to 98 where most of the test s/w is installed is a pain. prgrammes foul up in 98 with it's memory handling, you get a smooth rise in XP, i ran it for hours and no probs, smooth as mooth can be and as mentioned also above it worked fine with beta wdm driers at the same lo latency as asio2 in 98! - It isnt that much more stable in win98, but it seems happier with drivers somehow. A little zippier if you get me - The clock is rock. It seems to use about the same cpu as 4.x, not more at least anyways



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darn me and my idle review reading, and you k for making it sound good.

i'll bide my time and see what kind of stupid bugs they stick you with to make you upgrade to 6 like they did with 4 (edits to copied notes affect source note not edit, which is really cool, guys, et c.)

i love logic but it's going to take some work for me to say the same about emagic.. if they fixed the manual so as not to entice you to spend yet more of your obviously endless supply of money on videos, maybe there's hope, but i ain't counting on it.



well after spending a week or so with it, a few shortcoming are becoming clear. Not bad points, rather 'it'd be cool if they did this' type things - one of which, the biggest I can see is it'd be GREAT to have volume faders or sometype of left/right up/down mouse on the actual track headers like SONAR has... I say that cos you are often working on automation and need to lower a track offset... this i didn't figure out yet apart from selecting all the automation on a track and manualy lowering it lowering... if i find more i'll add how to do that.. offset as described above is perfect for sections of automation, but i didnt fully find a quick way to offset the whole track volume keeping all moves relative yet (or any other controller for that matter) - however, I DID see there is two volume level display boxes on each mixer track, so that might be it... but as yet i cant see how to do that from track headers.. I need more time with it...

apart from that all is 100% so far apart from no multi-outs yet... so actualy my comment about Logic being 'top of the pile' is a little unfair to SONAR which in some ways has a superior track-header - however, yes 100% it is superior to VST right now which of all the big 3 sellers is lagging behind now until we see the Cubase SX update.



thank you so much for that awesome
i am a somewhat disgruntled
cubase user and i am looking for a
new program to create music with.
i'm sure you mentioned this but, is it
rewire compatible?, i am also a
reason user. i have to say that some
of the features just blow cubase out
of the water.





yeah it worked fine with reason, in synch mode, but sadly you cant as yet sequencer reason from Logic which you can in VST & also nnow you can do in SONAR... so Logic needs to catch up with that as an update wafter or even when they release the 'multiple vsti outputs' update promised.

One other thing I forgot to mention in another of the main new FX the sub-bass enhancer, and how i forgot that I dunno cos it really works... all the bess enhancement you'll ever need I promise you that in itself worth a pretty penny beleive me, as a plugin it could easily command a $129 or $149 price tag or possibly more.

Evil Tez


Logic on the PC is dead.
Long live Sonar.
I know there are alot of really pissed off Logic users out there (I would have been included). I only hope that Cakewalk hire/bribe or kidnap the PC developers from Emagic. I really am not gloating man. If I had bought Logic 5 for the PC I'd be on a war path now.
Im really sorry K, I know how much you really loved this program.



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If you don't know already. Logic for PC is no more. Apple bought emagic and will discountinue it on Sept. 30, 2002.

Fuck Logic. Fuck Emagic.

Sonar looks like the way to go.

Be sure to spread the word as many users are still not aware. Stay away from all Emagic products!



But here we are several years later and I'm still using Logic 5.5 as it was intended, making music. Logic isn't dead on the PC, it's just rare.



agreed! i have a mac pro and logic 8 but still use logic5 on pc all the time!



I've been using Logic 5.5 since it came out.
I have it installed on both my laptop and my desktop.

Long may it reign... . . . . . .



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I've been using logic on the PC for years - and I'm only just starting to think about leaving it for something that can address more RAM. Not so much a failing of the software, more of a failing in XP as 32 bit XP only looks at 3GB max - why a single drum kit in DFH can be half of that. 64 XP doesn't seem to like Logic - unless anyone knows better?????



Hey Paul, try it on an Athlon/Opteron system, they run 32bit apps natively, unless its just a 64bit XP issue. Worth a try.

[quote] Paul wrote: Ive been using logic on the PC for years - and Im only just starting to think about leaving it for something that can address more RAM. Not so much a failing of the software, more of a failing in XP as 32 bit XP only looks at 3GB max - why a single drum kit in DFH can be half of that. 64 XP doesnt seem to like Logic - unless anyone knows better????? [/quote]

Paul Cantillon


[quote] nobody wrote: Hey Paul, try it on an Athlon/Opteron system, they run 32bit apps natively, unless its just a 64bit XP issue. Worth a try.


thanks for your reply - but I've had chance to have a look around and it appears that Logic won't go above the 2GB mark even if you're using an OS like Vista that can address 8GB+ (Sonikmatter forum). There are two options - don't use huge sample libraries.... or bung another PC in the rack for each VST that's 1GB + .......



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Guys, for one who started off with Notator on an Atari, I can tell you I have stayed with the PC, (even though I own a Mac and Emagic 6 for it) I am using it still on a XP64 bit machine with four gig of ram and have had no problem at all. The only problem I ran into is hardware, all my midi AMT's became obsolete, so I went with Edirol 880 and it kicks. I also found that if you will go back a few revisons, Logic Audio Plat. 5.3 runs great on Vista, so does my Edirol midi. I just wish they would have someone out there to write code for MT4 and Unitor8 and AMT8 and EMI!!! I guess I am dreaming, but surely someone could do such a thing. Anyway, great software, the midi clock on the Notator was the best, but not doing much midi anymore.... Thing of the past... Emagic did us PC'ers over really bad, but there are ways around the techvolution if you just try...



Hi Guy,
I would love to know where i can get Logic 5.5.1.
I build recording studios but want to now get my head around a powerful program like Logic.
Its not for commersial gain, just homely pleasure.
If anyone knows where i can buy or if your willing to sell me a copy i would be extreamly greatful.
Best regards



Hi everyone, I am glad to know there are other users who also still use XP with
old versions of Logic. Ive been using Logic 5.1 on XP for years and I love it. I
have become so comfortable with it that Im having a hard time moving on to
Logic 9 for the MAC, which I also own. Im sure it has far better capabilities and I
will eventually explore those, but for efficiency Logic 5.1 still rocks my tracks!



[quote] Ashish wrote: Hi everyone, I am glad to know there are other
users who also still use XP with old versions of Logic. Ive been using
Logic 5.1 on XP for years and I love it. I have become so comfortable with it
that Im having a hard time moving on to Logic 9 for the MAC, which I also
own. Im sure it has far better capabilities and I will eventually explore
those, but for efficiency Logic 5.1 still rocks my tracks! [/quote]

Check our logic pro tutorials (done on mac) in the articles section, or check our
youtube channel. Lots of logic pro videos for you, all on mac.



Thanks for the Article.I still use logic 5.5.1 on the PC. I have good news from a user on another great music forum.I have been able to get logic to see more than 1 gig of Ram after 12 years of trying.I am currently running logic using 2 gigs of Ram and all is fine.Ive tried three and is works great too
I came across a guy on sonic matters who said XP can be patched to see more than 3 gigs of ram and so can every program you wish to use including logic. Google the work Microsoft did on LAA=Long.Address.Aware

If you'd like to try it out,I have the details to hand.The only downside is you cant glue audio together.But the upside is I am using atmosphere and big 1 gig rom players with no problem in logic.With some vst stuff I've had to buy fruity loops and use that as a vst wrapper to gain access to newer plugins,but most run fine.Waves plugins only run up until v5 and 6. Native instruments all work fine,novation,korg,arturia all work fine in logic without any wrapper even in 2013.The one that doesnt work as a vst plugin in logic is arturia drum vst.Too many channels for logic which can only run 16 outs.
Hope this helps

From Jayer



visit this page to download pdf manuals for logic 5 + logic 6

Last added comment

Robin Bailey


I have been using Logic 5.5.1 since it came out on a succession of PCs and Windows versions up to and including Windows 10. On all previous versions it just worked. On Windows 10, it works half the time, but sometimes it hangs on start-up while 'Initialising External Sample Editor', and then experience shows it needs a full reboot and a lot of patience before it works again. I am using it with the awesome Roland Studio Capture 16x10, but it also worked fine with this on W8.1, so my guess is driver somewhere needs updating a bit more. Any clues about how to avoid the 'Initialising External Sample Editor' error much appreciated; this is functionality I never use anyway. When it works, it records 8 channels of live audio in parallel with no apparent effort. (I have a huge SSD.)

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