it's not there Digilogue BlueFilter

Digilogue BlueFilter

superb free/contribute-ware plugin filter - vst or dx, worth checking out!
'The BlueFilter is a multimode-filter. You can use it as lowpass, highpass, bandpass or band reject. The great modulation possibilities allows the use for creative sound design.' - Thats the site info from Digilog... and this really is an excellent filter unit!...

'The frequencyplot shows you the adjusted frequency response and gives you easy control of the filter through grips witch allows you to adjust all parameters direct inside the plot'

Here's a close up of the screen - you can grab the two outter-blue markers to widen the eq feild/q and the frequency and drag that around over both the frequency & volume/gain plot... all in all it's a superb filter, with plenty of useful & creative modes, and it responds to controllers in a s/w like VST, orion, Logic, sonar etc... brilliant... all these Blueline fx have a really crisp clear uncluttered sound... very distinct!.

The set of Blue-fx (see right-column 'related-items') can be used for free but you should register and give up some funds - it's $35 bucks for the whole set of plugis which is excellent value - The set contains all you need for starting a studio!...

If you use this plugin please leave some comments....

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Total Stars: 9
Total Votes: 2


Added: 10 May 2002
New price: free & $35 for full set
S/H price: -
Company:  Digilogue


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