it's not there Big Tick DualDelay

Big Tick DualDelay

Big Tick s/w bring you this dual delay free plugin for mac & ibm pc- excellent!!
DualDelay is a Stereo dual delay with lowpass resonant filter - It's Freeware, (you can make a donation if you like too)

'Another incredible free plugin, maybe the ultimate stereo delay out there. Powerful and easy to use.'


  • 2 independant left/right delays with delay and feedback controls.
  • Lowpass (-24 dB/Oct) resonant filter.
  • Delay times can be expressed in ms or in 16th notes (when synced to the host tempo).
  • Group mode for ping-pong delay effects.

Well, it's free, and BigTick know what they are doing!... well respected s/w house, so this is worth getting d/loaded no doubt... any user comments?... please feel free to add some..

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4: Excellent!

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Total Stars: 2
Total Votes: 1


Added: 16 May 2002
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Big Tick


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