it's not there Big Tick Hexaline

Big Tick Hexaline

Hexaline is an Ambient chorus / enhancer / stereo expander freeware from BigTick audio.
Hexaline is an Ambient chorus / enhancer / stereo expander from Big Tick audio - It's freeware, (you can also make a donation if you want to).

'This incredible free plugin has a unique feature: it can immediatly add warmth and complexity to the simplest sounds. With extreme settings, this effect can also generate special ambiences and bizarre sounds.'


  • 3 stereo delays with cross-feedback
  • Parallel or serial modes
  • Up to +/- 100% feedback for ambient special effects

Well, this looks interesting eh?.... i got it d/loaded and will be giving it a spin myself ... Any users?.. feel free to leave your impressions of this plugin...

  • Currently 4.0 Stars.
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1: No good!

2: Average!

3: Great stuff!

4: Excellent!

5: Awesome!

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Currently: 80%
Total Stars: 4
Total Votes: 1


Added: 16 May 2002
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Big Tick


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