it's not there DB Audioware Compressor

DB Audioware Compressor

Free super plugin compressor
BD Audioware started out on the www years ago and their pack of freeware plugins is widely used. What I like best about the DB range is their lite-ness... Accross the whole range their plugs run real light and quick on latency for thru stuff like compressors.... This is the baisc BD Audioware compressor, a decent all-round unit... For non critical compression tasks this basic compressor plug is like a nanocompressor or something but with more control, in fact it's probably unfair to call it that, it's a straight ahead compressor... it does the job well, has your basic controls of threshold, ratio (compress), attack & release, and an output trim, and is very light on the cpu. - one for the rack definately!

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Added: 29 September 2002
New price: free
S/H price: -


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really great

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