it's not there Silverspike


A great VERY cheap reverb for PC VST, Mac & Mac OSX. This has had some rave reviews from the major mags etc.
Silverspike's main product , and it's a good one!!... a quality reverb for $39.00 bucks!.... Tere's been a few rave reviews for this plugin & yup, it does the biz!!... even with a quick run thru of the demo you can feel the 'verb quality and it is laden with features for custom tailoring your exact 'verb requirements.... Here's the site info:

Silverspike is a real time audio effect plugin that simulates diffuse reverberation of rooms. Its sound quality results from a novel reverb algorithm based on random reflection patterns. This VST plugin provides dense, smooth, and authentic reverberation.

Two shelving filters and up to three separate reverb frequency bands give you full control on the spectral balance of the reverberated signal. And no matter what your room size is, provides realistic stereo imaging.

Adjustable Quality lets you adjust reverb quality to your needs. The term quality refers to the amount of randomness in the reverb tail. In most “artificial” reverb devices one can find repeating reflection patterns. If these patterns are too short then the reverb may sound artificial and repetitive. In contrast to most other reverb devices, Silverspike lets you adjust the length of these patterns to your specific needs. Start with a low quality setting during rough mixes and increase quality as desired in your final offline mix without changing the atmosphere.

Spectral Balance is equipped with two shelving filter to adjust early damping and two additional reverb bands for late damping. The two additional reverb bands can be switched on individually. If both are switched on, becomes a true three band reverb with separate decay times for each frequency band. Start without late damping during rough mixes and add low or high frequency damping in the final offline mix as desired.



Smooth, authentic, high quality reverberation


Adjustable reverb tail quality


Up to three separate frequency bands


Can be used as Send/Insert/Mastering-Effect


Equalizer with low and high shelving filter


Supports sample rates up to 96 kHz


32 bit floating point precision


Supports VST automation

System Requirements

Note that with certain parameter settings the plugin might not run in real time on slower processors.

System Requirements PC version

Operating System

Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000


Pentium II or compatible, 300 Mhz


32 Mb RAM

Audio software

VST compatible audio application (e.g. Cubase VST, WaveLab, Logic Audio, Nuendo, ...)


System Requirements Mac version

Operating System

Mac OS 8.5 or higher


PowerPC or compatible, 300 Mhz


32 Mb RAM

Audio software

VST compatible audio application (e.g. Cubase VST, TC Spark, Logic Audio, Bias Deck, ...)

What Professionals Say

“I've got to say guys that the big boys should take note, this is an awesome reverb. I'm currently using it on a drum submix. The drums are very open but the cymbals and hi hats are full open 8th notes. This plug in handles the high frequencies with no washy effects. A matter of fact it's the only one in my arsenal that could pull this off.”

Kelly Lee, KBOY productions (producer/artist)
Los Angeles, California, USA

“The Silverspike reverb is brilliant! I was arranging a Celine Dion-type ballad this week, and I needed something special for the snares - side sticks, big gated snare samples, etc. Good time to check out my new Silverspike verb. "Holy shit!" It sounded amazing in Logic. The snares sounded big without sounding washy, and the clarity on the high end was incredible. You have truly come up with one of the only software reverbs that can compete with the outboard verbs from Lexicon and others. I love this reverb.”

Ted Perlman, Producer
Los Angeles, California, USA

“I just finished a rough mix using the reverb for vocals -- just the long send preset -- and it is great, simply fabulous. I own just about every reverb out there -- I'm pretty picky -- but this is my instant new favorite.”

Tom Spademan, USA

Reviews and Awards

“It used to be difficult to get hold of decent VST reverb plug-ins even if you were prepared to spend hundreds of pounds on big-name products. These days, however, shareware companies are beginning to produce reverbs that rival the most expensive native offerings, and the best I've yet encountered is Silverspike's Reverb.It” SoS Mag - More...

Silverspike has been reviewed at Orion-central and it has received the “Best Value for Money” and the “Pro-Sound Selection” awards.

Well, i suggest you get to their site and d/load the demo... They have two numbers to order one for USA & oine for us Europhiles in Germany - or you can pay via ShareIt!

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Added: 10 October 2002
New price: 39 US$
S/H price: -
Company:  silverspike

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Hi there. I am a 15-year old blind musician. I use Goldwave and Audacity as my main audio editors, and I have to say that is super freakin awesome! The company is not lying when they say that the reverbs are silky and smooth. Much smoother than the AnwidaSoft Dx Reverb Light, and Freeverb. I am thrilled with the product, and this will be the top plug-in I will use when it comes to mastering my own recordings. You rock!!

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