it's not there Abyss Exciter

Abyss Exciter

great little freeware distortion exciter type thing.
Not a 'wow' effect mebbe, but this Exciter from Abyss is kinda intersting, especialy for it's ability to address any frequency and overdrive that... does some very interesting things with basslines or top end stuff, check it out, try using slightly different settings for the frequency of the channels for some cool subtle effects. I think it's been made with synthedit.

Actualy, after a while it grows on you this one and the 'wow' factor increases, it's actualy very good indeed... There is on the lower left, a 'listen' switch so you can hear the selected frequency band and the applied 'drive', but you can leave it in that mode for use as a sort of filter effect too.

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Total Votes: 6


Added: 21 October 2002
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Abyss Plugins


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Jan TAu


Weblink: link

it is super, I want it



How do i dl plug ins!?!?!? to the admin of this site. U could actually put a link on it.!



Abyss seem to have gone bust. So we have upload ALL the Abyss plugins to our files section - Any Abyss page on this site now shows the file download in the PRODUCT RESOURCES box, or you can search for it in the Samples/Files/Manuals section.

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jerome inoferio



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