it's not there Abyss Phased

Abyss Phased

Superb freeware dual wave phaser vst effect.
This is another phaser from Abyss.. the 'Phased' phaser is brilliant, and this just gets wackier with two selectable wave shapes which allows you to create all sorts of strange phase effects - The Abyss site says of it:

Phase 2 Is based on a Phase Distortion Oscillator which can produce Morphing Type Phase Effects and gentle Wa type effects it also includes the denormal circuit wind the rate down nice and slow on this one to produce more twisted effects

another a great freebie from Abyss made with Synthedit..

anyone use it?... feel free to add some commment below.

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Added: 21 October 2002
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Abyss Plugins


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