it's not there Abyss Abyss

Abyss Abyss

Great free reverb unit VST plugin from Abyss. Ok, youve got plenty of free reverbs... not this one... it's different!
Abyss do plugins, and this one is called... 'Abyss'... All their other plugins are superb, and this one is no exception. A VST plugin reverb based on the Freeverb engine, but with some very cool additions... two main res filters, and pre & post delay plus a bank of comb filters.

This reverb allows youy to get as close as i've heard to those old Prince Jammys studio type sound reverb/delay type 'verbs for that cool old style yard reverb sound... it's REALLY good & for a freebie it's even better!!

DEFINATELY one for the download! - get it now, it's free and really rocks!

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Currently: 45%
Total Stars: 9
Total Votes: 4


Added: 22 October 2002
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Abyss Plugins


Abyss Plugins Set
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Gary Stuart


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Hi There...Where can I get the Voxengo Tempo Delay? I cant find a download site...sorry.
Respects for your's good stuff!

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