it's not there DBX 165

DBX 165

classic dbx 165 mono compressor/limiter
Never used one, but here's some stuff from the www:

The DBX 165 is a solid state compressor/limiter with VU metering & like other dbx compressors, is known for its 'over easy' trademark compression sound.... the compression can be transparent, even when applying a significant amount of compression.

You could link two together for stereo use - Controls are: threshold, compression, attack, release, auto switch, meter function, output gain -


  • distortion (THD) <.2% (IMD) <.2% SMPTE
  • equivalent input noise -90dBu
  • dynamic range 114dB
  • compression ratio variable 1:1 to 1:infinity
  • attack time (auto) 15ms for 10dB, 5 ms for 20dB, 3 msfo 30dB (manual) variable from 2.5 to 1ms/dB

    Here's a company with a compressor plugin (compressorbank) which they say is modelled on the DBX 165 - might be interesting...

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    Added: 27 October 2002
    New price: discontinued
    S/H price: ?
    Company:  DBX


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