it's not there Alesis MicroLimiter

Alesis MicroLimiter

Microcompressor is a good cheap budget softknee compressor.
What can you say about the 'Micro' series from Alesis. This is the MicroLimiter, a softkee comp i think in relaity, in that it's fixed ratio with it's ratio increasing as it reaches threshold to push it's ratio up to infinity - If this is wrong someone add a comment of what it is, but that's what i was led to understand. - It's got Input, Release & Output conttrols, and that's about that, not a great unit, I've used it a few times, and it's ok... useful & cheap for more pumping bass or synth parts.

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Added: 17 October 2001
New price: was £249
S/H price: £80 quid


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