it's not there LA Audio 4X4

LA Audio 4X4

LA Audio 4x4 gate/compressor - a cheap multi-unit for the free-ad's.
LA Audio sold alot of these, and they are a great s/h buy. 2 compressors, & 2 gates with a filter for frequency concious gating or compression to achcive stuff like de-essing... all in one rack!

The unit has a gate with external key In trigger switchable & a listen switch for cuing the frequency gateing via the filter section & a fast 5 microsecond attack. Controls are threshold, release & range.

The com,pressor can also have the filter switched into it's sidechain to do de-essing etc, and has a ratio (1:1 - 20:1), attack & release & input & output level... both sides can be linked for stereo operation... a good s/h free-ad's bragain cos you get two proper gates & two proper compressors (soft-knee) both of which will let you do the effects as well as the standard jobs - at thew time of release 9around 1993) for 300 quid rrp this unit was pretty hot....

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Added: 17 October 2001
New price: discontinued - was £299
S/H price: £100-150 ish
Company:  LA Audio


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