it's not there DBX 161

DBX 161

a budget version of the DBX 160
Never used one, the image above is of a pair of 161's... they often are seen in pairs as are the 160's - both models could be linked to make a pair of 161's or a pair of 160's & you often see them at brokers sites in batches of pairs... Here's some stuff from the www:

"The 161 is a budget version (of the 160) with phono connectors and without turn on/turn off transient protection or ground loop compensation."

Controls are: threshold, output gain, meter function, compression.


  • max input level +21dB
  • distortion .075% 2nd harmonic at infinite compression at +4dBm output; .5% 3rd harmonic typical at infinite compression ratio
  • attack time 15 milliseconds for 10dB level change above threshold. 5 milliseconds for 20dB level change above threshold. 3 milliseconds for 30dB level change
  • release rate 120dB/second
  • compression ratio continuously variable from 1:1 to 120:1
  • threshold continuously variable from 10mV to 3V

  • Currently 0 Stars.
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1: No good!

2: Average!

3: Great stuff!

4: Excellent!

5: Awesome!

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Added: 27 October 2002
New price: discontinued
S/H price: ?
Company:  DBX


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