it's not there MDA (Maxim) De-ess

MDA (Maxim) De-ess

free de-esser plugin.
Yup... MDA (Maxim Digital Audio have been around for years and were one of the first to bring a clutch of free plugins for VST... Most people already have them, but in-case newbies don't know... The plugins are superb!!

This one is called 'De-ess', and it's ... um.. a De-esser... A simple jobbie with frequency tune-in, threshold and drive.... use it intuitively (tune it and listen) to remove nasty 'ssss-ing' sibilance from your vocals etc... Cheap (free) & cheerful!

We now host all the MDA FX plugs for both Mac & PC... checkout the FILES section and do a search for 'MDA' or you'll find them under the CLASS selection of: 'VST_FX_APP'

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Added: 27 October 2002
New price: free
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Howard Ellison


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Clever MDA! Cleaner and quicker than what I used before to de-ess my pro
narration tracks: the Apple multiband comp, set to squash only the 's' band.

Apple sounded slightly dirty, so I checked with clean 5k tone and a speccy -
and saw subharmonics all the way from about 3k down to 30Hz. Not strong,
but who wants them? Once you learn the simple setting, MDA is perfectly
clean, no artefacts.

Solo voice, no backing tracks, is a tough test for processing!

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