TK Plugins 4Filters

great free filter vst plugin for pc with 4 filter types including NOTCH! + switchable 2 or 4 pole.
TK Plugins do a few freeware plugins for pc vst format, plus a couple of very cheap pay-wares... This plugin is '4Filters' - Lo-pass, hi-pass, bandpass & notch filter is available with the 'Filter type' control.. a VERY nice filter plugin indeed!!... 2 or 4 pole is selectable, with an additional lo-pass filter ('additional L' in the image above) too...

This is a good filter, but i'd like to have seen it go down further in hz range, but it sounds great. No idea where the additional lopass get's it's frequency from fixed or otherwise, but ramp a little of that on with the lowest freq' selected and a high slope (Q) and you can get ballbusting sub-bass.

it's free, and sounds good.... get it downloaded... any user comments?... feel free to add some below.

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Added: 28 October 2002
New price: free
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Company:  TK plugins


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