it's not there TK Plugins FeedFlanger

TK Plugins FeedFlanger

Interesting freeware VST (pc) flanger plugin which has a tempo control.
TK Plugins do a few freeware plugins for pc vst format, plus a couple of very cheap pay-wares... This plugin is 'FeedFlanger' - a very interesting Flanger indeed...

  • Depth modulation is synchronizable to the tempo and the note resolution you need.
  • FeedBack control produces a whistling effect.
  • 3 waveform types for modulation : sinus - triangle - sawtooth.
  • 12 dB Gain.

    the tempo section can then be fed into the flanger section with the SEND control it seems... Nice Flanger anyways, and free!

    It's free, and sounds good.... get it downloaded... any user comments?... feel free to add some below.

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    4: Excellent!

    5: Awesome!

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    Total Stars: 5
    Total Votes: 1


    Added: 28 October 2002
    New price: free
    S/H price: -
    Company:  TK plugins


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    james pit


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    good job and thanks

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