it's not there TK Plugins StereoFlanger

TK Plugins StereoFlanger

Free vst (pc) cool stereo flanger effect.
TK Plugins do a few freeware plugins for pc vst format, plus a couple of very cheap pay-wares... This plugin is 'StereoFlanger' is a flanger with depth modulation and stereo capabilities... Very nice Flanger for free!

  • Depth modulation is synchronizable to the tempo and the note resolution you need.

  • Stereo control oscillates from left to right channel according to the depth modulation. Stereo parameter has no effect when Mod Amt is set to off.

  • 3 waveform types for modulation : sinus - triangle - sawtooth.

  • 12 dB Gain.

    It's free, and sounds great the stereo width thing really does a nice spread.... get it downloaded... any user comments?... feel free to add some below.

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    Total Stars: 3
    Total Votes: 1


    Added: 28 October 2002
    New price: free
    S/H price: -
    Company:  TK plugins


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