Cockaigne Quantum 64

Interesting free VST (pc) synth - emulates commodore 64 SID soundchip
"Quantum 64 is a harsh and aliased digital synth with single DCO and multimode filter. It is inspired by Commodore 64's SID soundchip but it definitely is no emulation. The two special ingredients that make the soul of Quantum 64 are the arpeggiator and the degrader/quantiser unit"

Sounds good - and it's free! - mebbe it sounds a bit like Quadrasid. I tried it in Logic and di have some problems with the grpahic interface losing it's knob/setting images on the interface which would turn blank... But running it in 'CONTROLS' mode it was fine.. I d/loaded a 'Mario' midifile and tested it with that... very cool! (see audio example below!) - It does lots of other sounds so don't mistake this for a simple generator, some of the sounds are more weird and it has a cool arpeggiator and selectable filter (lo/hi/band/notch) - The osc' does saw, sine, triangle, ramp, square.... any user comments?... please add some below...

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Added: 31 October 2002
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Cockaigne


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Great synth

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