it's not there BlackStone Software YaleDelay

BlackStone Software YaleDelay

Freeware VSTi plugin - reversing delay unit!
Here's the info from the Blackstone site:

YaleDelay reverses the audio for each echo repeat resulting in a multilayered delay composed of alternate reversed and 'true' echoes. Features up to 2 seconds of delay and mono/stereo operation. Nuendo seems to intercept keyboard strokes, so unfortunately the BPM type-in doesnt allow typing (at the moment) for this app until we work out why! You can paste values into the box with the right mouse button at least. Logic Audio has a problem with the knobs locking - we are in touch with Emagic about this problem to try & resolve it.

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Added: 15 November 2002
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Blackstone software


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