it's not there Sinus FreeverbToo

Sinus FreeverbToo

Cool freeware VST & DX reverb plugin
A cool free reverb plugin based on the Freeverb code by Jezar ( - Filter, panorama, Vu meter and more - DX or VST plugin format, PC only.

FreeverbToo controls

  • Size fader - sets the room size

  • Damping fader - controls the simulated absorbency of the room

  • Predelay fader - determines the distance between sound-source and back wall

  • Color faders - controls the warmth of the reverberation sound the upper fader controls a highpass and the lower one (surprise, surprise) a lowpass

  • Panorama fader - allows you to specify the position of the reverb in the stereo field expiriment on that, f.e. you could use 2 reverbs with different settings.

  • Threshold fader - sets the level ”threshold” at which the gate opens, in dB Only signals which exceed threshold will trigger the gate to open.

  • Attack fader - time taken for the gate to fully open after realizing a peak in the original signal, in milliseconds
  • Hold fader - holds the the gate opened for the specified time, in milliseconds

  • Release fader - time taken for the gate to return to zero (completely closed), in milliseconds

  • Wet fader - adjusts reverb level, in dB

  • Dry fader - adjusts the level of the original signal, in dB

  • Gate switch - activates/deactivates the gate Note, that the gate will cut off the reverb. This effect is mostly used on drums to keep the overall mix transparent. Turn it off when using FreeverbToo for example on vocal tracks.

  • Freeze switch - if activated, the reverberation does not fade out

  • VU meters - show the exact output levels of FreeverbToo

  • Quality switches - set the reverb quality / CPU-usage (actually the number of comb-filters used)

  • Currently 0 Stars.
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1: No good!

2: Average!

3: Great stuff!

4: Excellent!

5: Awesome!

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Added: 19 January 2003
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Sinus


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