it's not there Anarchy Sound Software AnarchyRhythms

Anarchy Sound Software AnarchyRhythms

This is a SUOERB vsti plugin - hard to describe quickly, but it inserts into an audio track and clocks to the host sequencer providing tempo-based audio manipulation... Get it!!
This plugin is superbly crafty! - You must try the demo - basicaly you insert it into an audio-track insert, and you then can click in any of the 4 'lanes' to input patterns (using click-in blocks) - each 'lane' is colour co-ordinated for easy viewing... Think of it mebbe as a very complexed gating tool, but it's more than that although yes, used in it's simplest sense it could be used to create rythmic gating patterns... But each 'lane' has settings for amplitude modulation, bandpass filtering, feedback loops, internal oscillation and compression (see image)

All I can say is, for cut-up madness (but without the cutting) you should really try this thing - superb!

  • Pattern editor for composition of rhythmic patterns
  • Mixer to control parameters for each sound
  • Edit pane to specify envelopes for the parameters
  • Collection of preset patterns and sounds
  • Parameter automation using MIDI controllers or VST automation
  • VST Time Information to synchronise with host sequencer
  • Supports non-4/4 time signatures
  • Context-sensitive help system

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1: No good!

2: Average!

3: Great stuff!

4: Excellent!

5: Awesome!

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Added: 12 November 2003
New price: £29.99
S/H price: -
Company:  Anarchy Sound Software


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