it's not there Fat-ass WTF

Fat-ass WTF

WTF is a sound mangler - it is a delay, chorus, flanger, pitcher, harmonic shifter, reverser and sonic assault barrage all in one pocket sized pouch!
It goes by the name of WTF but what is it? What does it do?

WTF is a sound mangler that is a little left of the middle. In short (or not) it is a delay, chorus, flanger, pitcher, harmonic shifter, reverser and sonic assault barrage all in one pocket sized pouch. Made with Synthedit, it comprises of some of the latest modular technology by Pilchard, Jeff Mc Clintock, Chris Kerry and David Haupt.

Whether you use it for adding a subtle effect to a single instrument or channel, fattening up your drum line or freaking out the master channel, we are pretty sure you can find a use for it somehow.

WTF: Modulate, don't imitate.

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Added: 12 December 2003
New price: FREE
S/H price: -
Company:  Fat-ass home


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