it's not there Oli Larkin Advanced midi gate

Oli Larkin Advanced midi gate

Freeware midi gate with excellent features
Advanced midi gate can be used to easily mute an audio/vsti track via midi. For example, it can be used to create the stuttering effects commonly found in trance and psy-trance. AMG is different to other midi gates because:

  • the envelope can control a filter instead of a vca
  • the envelope is tighter than most other midi gates
  • noise can be added to the signal to make the sound more aggresive
  • either the left or right channel can be delayed slightly to fatten the sound
  • when you stop your sequencer, the plugin disables itself so that you can edit the gated track without having to switch the plugin off
  • there is an autopan section that can throw the signal to alternate speakers each time the gate is triggered
  • the autopan, filter and noise sections all have bpm synced lfos for more sonic possibilities

How to use the plugin: AMG is an insert effect. Put it on a audio channel or a vsti channel with a suitable part (ie a sustained sound).
Then create a midi track and assign the midi output to amg. Program in the rhythm that you want to hear.

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Added: 24 January 2004
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Oli Larkin


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