it's not there Fat-ass EDGE

Fat-ass EDGE

Need more bass? - If so, this freeware subharmonic synth plugin effect is designed for you!
How low can you go? Well, now you can go even lower with EDGE.

EDGE is a subharmonic synth, which in lay man's speak means that if you feed it audio the resulting output will be your audio plus extra low bass.

Unlike most bass enhancers, it doesn't just boost the bass or shape the lower frequencies. What it does is takes the input signal and creates a bass signal one (or even two) octaves lower than the original.

Because not every signal is a simple sine wave, there is input filtering which effectively gives the plugin a more simple waveform to process. It's free, so why not give it a go?

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Added: 24 March 2004
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Fat-ass home


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