it's not there AnalogX DCOffset

AnalogX DCOffset

DCOffset corrects DC offset, & can detect and analyzing DC offset audio in realtime.
In a studio or mastering environment, nothing is more important than maintaining the utmost audio quality throughout the mix. One of the common problems that is encountered, that effects this is referred to as 'DC Offset', and simply means that a given audio source does not have the correct 0-crossing, and is shifted either up or down from there.

Say hello to AnalogX DCOffset, and say goodbye to DC offset headaches forever! DCOffset is the ONLY DirectX Audio plugin capabable of not only correcting DC offset, but detecting and analyzing DC offset audio in realtime! Forget using a seperate application that has to scan the entire file before it can even get an approximate reading - DCOffset can do better after processing less than 10 seconds of incoming audio.

Of course, DCOffset requires an application that supports DirectX Audio plugins (like the Paris or WaveLab), and works with either the realtime or non-realtime applications as well. DCOffset supports mono or stereo sound streams, as well as 16bit and 32bit data types.

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Added: 17 June 2004
New price: free
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Company:  AnalogX


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