it's not there AnalogX Bound

AnalogX Bound

what exactly does AnalogX Bound do? Well, it simply clamps any audio to within a user-specified range... What this eliminates is one of the more common errors a plugin makes with high-volume samples - wrapping. This means the other plugin would take something like a 32bit sample 1.1, and instead of clamping it to 1.0, it instead wraps it to -0.9, which is very bad.
what exactly does AnalogX Bound do? Well, it simply clamps any audio to within a user-specified range... What this eliminates is one of the more common errors a plugin makes with high-volume samples - wrapping. This means the other plugin would take something like a 32bit sample 1.1, and instead of clamping it to 1.0, it instead wraps it to -0.9, which is very bad.

Of course, Bound requires an application that supports DirectX Audio plugins (like the Paris or WaveLab), and works with primarily realtime applications, although it might work with some non-realtime as well. Bound supports mono or stereo sound streams, as well as 16bit and 32bit data types, although it really is geared for 32bit audio.

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Added: 17 June 2004
New price: free
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Company:  AnalogX


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Luis Andres


es muy util y la necesito

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