it's not there AnalogX DXPad

AnalogX DXPad

DXPad gives you the ability to store little text notes in the actual data file of the sequencer or editor etc application that you normally use, and that's not all... Since DXPad is a DirectX plugin, you can have as many different notepads as you need!
AnalogX DXPad is a very simple notepad, written inside of a DirectX Audio plugin. What this gives you the ability to do is store little notes in the actual data file of the application you normally use, and that's not all... Since DXPad is a DirectX plugin, you can have as many different notepads as you need! Best of all, DXPad has VERY low overhead, one of the testers actually had 64 DXPad's open and running with a less than 6% CPU utilization!

In order to use DXPad, your application must support DirectX Audio Plugins, and must also support realtime processing (such as Paris or WaveLab). If your application forces you to render the output from DirectX plugins, you're out of luck and should complain to the people who wrote it, because there's nothing I can do to help you out

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Added: 17 June 2004
New price: free
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Company:  AnalogX


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