it's not there RED SOUND DARKSTAR XP2


RED SOUND DARKSTAR XP2 analog modelling synthesizer, 8-voice polyphony with 2 oscillators per voice, 5-part multi-timbral operation, joystick control, pink/white/blue noise generators and two external audio inputs.
RED SOUND DARKSTAR XP2 analog modeling synthesizer, 8-voice polyphony with 2 oscillators per voice, 5-part multi-timbral operation, joystick control, pink/white/blue noise generators and two external audio inputs.

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Currently: 85%
Total Stars: 17
Total Votes: 4


Added: 13 July 2004
New price: 121.77 UKP - 179.00 Euros
S/H price: ?
Company:  RED SOUND


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I know this column was posted almost seven years ago, but I have to point out that the picture is a MIDI drum machine, not a DarkStar XP2. And no one has looked at this in all this time? It's interesting how vital so many people say the web is, and yet how vast portions of it, in countless little spots here and there, are fallow to the point of fossilization.

I rate the DarkStar XP2 Totally Awesome Power. As for the drum synth picture above, well, who knows? It may be awesome, too. Had I need of a drum machine right now, I'd look into it.

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[quote] gridsleep wrote: I know this column was posted almost seven years ago, but I have to point out that the picture is a MIDI drum machine, not a DarkStar XP2.[/quote]


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